twelve |

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[i recommend listening to
'ivy' by 'frank ocean']
—play on repeat—

twelve - explanation

m o m e n t s l a t e r

h u n t e r

you can easily sense the confusion in the room.

everyone is shocked.

waiting for someone to speak, everyone is silent.

"you know each other?" kai inquires.

"you could say that" jasmine reply's, still a little taken aback by the whole situation.

"fuck this, who's gonna explain?" jayden asks carelessly.

"well.." ian begins to speak but is shortly cut off by jasmine.

"i'll explain, thank you" she sasses him. "ian worked for daddy, up until last month," she begins."they'd not only worked togther for years, but been friends. this was until i wanted some payback." clearly this wasn't going to be a short story, so we take a seat ( around the, still tied up, ian ).

"my daddy had an affair and left my mom for some blonde bimbo and it ruined her. let's just say i wasn't happy to let this slip. i only knew one main way to seek my vengeance—changing the perception of his 'innocent' daughter. so that's exactly what i did."

"sorry, but how the hell does this involve him?" jayden interrupts and points to the man currently restricted from anything.

"you'll see" she says before continuing on. "so, as made apparent here" jasmine says, referring to the situation, "ian doesn't mind getting it on with younger, much younger girls. i knew this and used it to my advantage. not taking too long, we were soon having sex on my father's desk" she says with almost a triumphant smirk across her face.

"hold on," caleb chips in "you slept with this man just to get back at your father?"

"you used me?" ian says clearly oblivious to the situation.

"as if i'd actually want to sleep with you" she laughs directly at him. "but yes, yes i did. the look on his face was priceless when daddy walked in" she looks down and shakes her head whilst letting out a little breathless laugh, "so of course, ian was fired and surprisingly not killed".

"you did all that just to get revenge?" i can't help but ask.

"well it worked, he was mortified; it ruined him" jasmine says.

"well what the fuck are we meant to do with him now?" river says, still standing close to him with his gun in hand as he points to ian.

"kill him, i don't know" jasmine says shrugging with a sick laugh.

"she really is a psycho" kai whispers as he leans down to me.

i can't help but laugh at his comment—he wasn't wrong.

"woah woah, no hold on" ian says, nervousness evidently spread across his face.

"i don't know, killing you does sound kinda fun" river says looking down to the, very intimidated, man.

before anyone can object, he's taken the safety off his gun and brings it back up to ian's head.

"please man, you don't have to do this" he begins to plead for his life.

"well...doesn't mean it won't be fun. guess you shouldn't go around touching women you don't know" river lets his finger pull down the trigger carefree. taking everyone by surprise as a loud bang erupts within the room, before the man's body falls limp in the chair; along with masses of blood pouring from his head.

"what the fuck, bro?" shocked, kai punches his arm.

"yeah, you're cleaning that shit up" jayden pulls a disgusted face as she looks at the blood pool on the floor. although shocked, it's sad how this wasn't as abnormal as it would be to your average american.

"whatever" he replies walking out to, what i assume will be, get cleaning supplies.

"talk about impulse" jasmine says as she raises her eyebrows.

something was off about that. he was acting weird before, then just goes and does that.


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