twenty two |

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[i recommend listening to
'saturn' by 'sleeping at last']
—play on repeat—

twenty two - earlier

+t h i r d p e r s o n


screams echo around the walls.

the blood spattered walls.

there's blood everywhere.

the loudest bangs have just erupted and no one wants to move.

"there's so much blood." the quivering voice speaks.

"call 911," they speak but everyone's frozen, "call 911!" is repeated but with more force that before.

the tapping of a phone is heard beneath the piercing rings from the event only moments ago.

in a rush of panic and distress, they try to seek any help possible.

blood spilling out immensely, it's unclear if they'll make it.

1 2 h o u r s   e a r l i e r

h u n t e r

river hasn't stopped pacing around the room.

feeling completely helpless all of us are running out of ideas.

jayden is trying to track kai's car but that's been the task for the past 2 hours.

it appears to lead so far but then cuts out completely.

"hey! look there," jayden turns to us grabbing our attention "it shows another mile." she points to the path he'd taken.

river says nothing, i hear him walk off before grabbing his keys.

"where are you going?" i ask worried.

"his last location, it's the closest we've got." he reply's sharply.

"well i'm coming with you." i reply without hesitation.

"it's going to be dangerous." he speaks again, his arms crossing.

"exactly. you're not going alone." i tell him as if there's no doubt in my mind.

he doesn't even try to argue. i go to follow him out the door and to the cars, just before i leave the building, i turn to jayden, "keep us posted if you see anything else."

she nods her head up signalling she understands,"be safe."

i just smile in return before exiting the building. reaching the outside, i hear a car engine as i see river swiftly driving away.

"river!" i shout but he doesn't slow for a second.

quickly i retrieve the keys from my jacket and get into the mercedes, following him.

because he'd sped off so quickly, i lost sight of him but i knew where we were headed.

i just follow the directions through the lit up city. the pitch black sky looms over but not so negatively as you may think. it's slightly comforting.

the night will always be my favorite. this city is calmer and quieter but never fully asleep. i guess that's maybe why i like it, knowing you're not fully alone.

the frequent sites of building lights and street lamps map out my way. although, soon i begin to recognise the buildings and then the roads and even the lights.

we're going in a circle.

even though we've been driving for ages, we've looped on ourselves without even realising it.

he's fucking tricked us, we've wasted so much time and we've let him play us.

we fell for it, we all did.

and the time we've wasted, all for nothing.

i let the girls know and before long, i make it back to the warehouse, annoyed and frustrated.

however, i pull up and river's car isn't even there. it's not parked and it's not in sight.

rushing in, i ask if they've seen him.

"he hasn't come back since you left." jasmine says, seeming rather confused.

"yeah, he's not even been in contact with us either." jayden says with sympathy in every word, "he's only going to kick off if he comes here. but we're doing all we can, hunter and he won't listen."

"what do we do? i have no idea where he'd be or even where to start." i say concerned.

"yes you do, hunter." jayden speaks softly waiting for me to realise.

i pull up to the retro diner, the large lights read 'susie's' clearly even though the bulbs are flickering.

walking in, the bell above the door rings gently—the warm tone lights above each red booth dimly light the place.

i can see why river comes here a lot, it's easily calming.

considering there's only about 3 people sat in here, he is easily distinguishable. i send one of the waitresses a smile as i head down the aisle between seats, heading over to river.

i stop at the end of the table and don't really know what to say.

he looks up and i see his face soften for a few moments and it's replaced with a cold stare again, fixing his view out the window.

"can i sit?" i ask a little reluctant.

"doesn't look taken does it?" he bites, but i see a slight smirk tug at his face from the side.


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