1.06 | I'm Always Alone, Mrs. Espacito

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"OKAY, BEFORE WE GO IN... I'm not supposed to have men on the premises," Porpetina warned as she opened the door to the building.

Newt hesitated, so naturally Arethusa did well. Kowalski still hung aloof between their shoulders. Everything paused for a moment as Newt very easily tried to pull the three away. She had a general idea of why he thought this was a bad idea: They didn't know Porpetina and they didn't know what she was going to do with them after the night was over. All they knew was that the woman was an ex-auror and constantly trying to get them in trouble for their creatures. "In that case, the three of us can easily seek other accommodation."

"Oh no, you don't!" Porpetina swerved behind them, ushering the three all the way into the building and towards the stairs. "Watch your step."

"That you, Tina?" A voice sounded out as they reached what Arethusa hoped was about halfway to the apartment. They paused mid-hallway, heading to the next set of stairs. Arethusa huffed: He wasn't exactly the heaviest man, be he wasn't light either, and taking a massive pause wasn't going to help them lug Mr. Kowalski to the apartment any easier. "Are you alone?"

"I'm always alone, Mrs. Esposito!" Porpetina shouted back. She ushered them forward once more leading the group up another set of stairs. Arethusa stifled back a laugh when she heard Porpetina's answer-- while the same thing could be said for Newt and Arethusa it was still an amusing and somewhat upsetting thing to hear somebody admit.

She led them up another flight of stairs before leading them to a door. She swung it open, revealing the small little apartment and another woman inside of it. The blonde turned the second she heard the door creak, studying the group. She tilted her head a little bit at the group, undoubtably curious as to what was going on. "Teenie, you brought men home?"

"Gentlemen, Atwood, this is my sister," Porpetina nodded to the blonde as she directed the two to set Kowalski down in the nearest chair. They did, but both had been distracted for their own reasonings. Newt seemed rather interested in the apartment while Arethusa could not take her eyes of off the woman. Queenie Goldstein was absolutely stunning. She had piercing blue eyes that nobody could forget, and beautiful golden blonde hair. It was short, just like her sisters, but hers poofed up in rather large curls that framed her face perfectly.

Arethusa was more focused on her face, but the fact that the woman wasn't dressed didn't seem to help her case either. Queenie simply stared back at the three in her robe. Arethusa and Jacob both had the same expressions on their face when they realized, while Newt simply dawdled and looked away. "You want to put something on, Queenie?"

"Oh, Sure," Queenie hummed in response. With a small little wave of the wooden wand in her hand the dress the was on the stand next to her floated up. She was in no way trying to hide anything as she took off the robe, sending a small little look in their direction. When the robe finally fell to the floor the blue dress floated above her and slipped right on. With an extra tug to make sure it was tight she turned back around to her sister and the blushing trio. "So, who are they?"

"Thats Mr. Scamander," Porpetina introduced. Queenie made her way into the kitchen, listening to her sisters introductions. "He's committed a serious infraction of the National Statute of Secrecy."

"Hes a criminal?" Queenie clarified.

"Uh-huh," Porpetina nodded her head and moving on to the man that was now staring at Queenie in complete awe. "and this is Mr. Kowalski, hes a No-Maj."

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