1.08 | Partners and Jewel Thieves

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"I WAS WATCHING YOU at dinner," The conversation started as awkward as ever. Newt and Arethusa trailed along behind Jacob Kowalski, following the man to central park. Newt claimed it was the best lead they had on the erumpent despite the various tracking spells that they could've tried. If they had known the urgency of the situation in New York, perhaps they would've hurried. "People like you, don't they, Mr. Kowalski?"

"Well, I'm sure people like you too, huh?" Kowalski responded, briefly glancing back at the man. The same charming smile he gave her at the bank made its way across his face. He seemed to walk with an air of confidence, most likely because he was escorting two wizards to a place he knew well. They were both far stronger than him due the magical aura they radiated, but that did not make his help any less valuable.

"No, not really. I annoy people."

"You don't annoy me," Arethusa shot back, causing a sheepish smile to spread across Newt's face. To anyone else, including the third party muggle standing in front of them, the affection they held towards each other was abundantly clear.

When an awkward silence settled over the group, Newt turned his focus back to Kowalski: "Why did you decide to be a baker?"

"Well, because I'm dying in that canning factory," He explained to the pair. He shook his head at the mention of it, and she could understand why. Although Arethusa knew nothing of the environment in the factories, the idea of massive machines made her uneasy, "Everyone theres dying. It just crushes the life outta you. You like canned food?"


"Yeah. Me neither," He nodded, looking back over at Newt. "Thats why I want to make pastries, you Know. It makes people happy. Were going this way."

"Where are we going, exactly?" Arethusa asked, taking in the city around them. They had passed monochromatic building after monochromatic building. Perhaps the night time didn't do the great city justice, but the more she travelled around New York the more she realized it was not the place people made it out to be "Why couldn't we just use the locator spell?"

"Central park," Jacob noted at the exact same time as Newt explained:

"I don't want you to wear yourself out." A small silence followed as they all carried on, following Kowalski as he crossed the street. There were relatively no cars out, leaving Arethusa to stare at the concrete city while Newt continued to ask Jacob questions. "So, did you get your loan?"

"No, I aint got no collateral. Stayed in the army too long, apparently, I dont know."

"You fought in the war?" Arethusa questioned before Newt could, though he most likely would've asked the same question.

"Of course I fought in the war, everyone fought in the war," He looked over back at Newt, "You didn't fight in the war?"

"I worked mostly with dragons, Ukrainian Ironbellies, Eastern Front--" Newt cut himself off before he could finish his sentence. While he naturally tended to look down while he talked, he had pretty much bent over now, staring straight at the trail of coins, crowns, crystals, and chains that lined the concrete street. Neither Arethusa nor Kowalski had time to process where he was going until Newt was on the other side of the street, inspecting a highly suspicious jewelry store.

Arethusa stood with Kowalski and watched, allowing Newt to do his thing. There was no doubt in her mind that Newt had spotted the niffler, but Arethusa greatly disliked dealing with the greedy little creature. Newt quickly rose his wand and shattered the glass with a quick "Finestra."

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