I always had a secured life. I was 17 and I barely left my yard besides church, and even there I was stuck to my parents sides. I was homeschooled because my parents thought the children at school were the devils little minions set to raise hell from earth. I did go to school once. I begged my parents to let me attend the first grade. That's where I met Damian Evans. He was the most awful person ever. On my first day I wore a white dress my mom had sewn and my brown hair curly hair was in a ponytail. We were painting pictures when Damion poured paint all over my dress and hair. It took three baths before my mom scrubbed all the paint off me.
I'll never forget that little evil spawn for ruining my only chance at letting me go to school. After that day my parents Barely let me out of the house. I do enjoy the time I spend alone. My mom works with me on my studies every other day and the days she doesn't she is at work. My father works everyday other than the weekends. On the saturday nights my parents went to church meeting and I stayed home reading the various books that my grandma brought me that I hid from my parents. My parents banned romantic books or any book that didn't have a spiritual or religious purpose.
I liked the one week church retreat that happened once a month the best because I had time to myself. I could play my music through the house, old religious music of course, and I would read my books, and dance, and sit in the garden for hours, and pretend to find my prince charming.
I would pretend to go to school and that I had friends my own age. I never knew him, but I disliked Damian Evans for ruining my chance at a normal school life. I wish I could never see his face again, but it was too bad he lived right next door. It was even worse that he just moved into the room that was aligned with my room. That rooms used to be empty for as long as I could remember, but one day the window was opened and the room looked completely different. Suddenly Damian walked in and I instantly shut my blinds. Ever since that day my blinds would stay closed except for the days he was at school.
Some nights I would see him sneak out his window. His parents were always yelling at him. I even see him bringing girls home sometimes. He would kiss them and I would stop stalking before they got any further. The last thing about Damian is that he had weird markings on his arms. They looked black, but I couldn't really see what they were. It looked like pictures.
I laid on my bed on saturday afternoon writing my essay on why I deserve to go to heaven. My mom said that it was do monday, so I had to work on it.
"Winter, supper is done!" My mother called. I hopped off my bed and went downstairs.
"Hi mother. Hi Father, I said greeting my parents. I sat at the table and started to eat. It was 4:15. My parents left in 15 minutes for their meeting. Then I had the house to myself until 10.
"It's your turn to do the pray darling", Father said holding his hand out. We joined hands, and I prayed.
"Honey, the meeting is tonight and we'll be home the same time as always. Finish your assignment, and get to bed", My mother commanded. I nodded my head and finished my food.
As soon as my parents left I grabbed my book 'Pride and Prejudice' and headed out to the garden. I sat in the middle of the flowers and I couldn't help but inhale the beautiful purple tulips. I opened my book and started reading.
I was immersed in the pages when I suddenly heard the sound of glass shattering and a door slamming. I looked up to see Damian with an angry look on his face. He pulled out something weird and put it in between his lips. Suddenly a little spark flickered from a tiny container and he blew out what looked like a small cloud of smoke. I stared at the boy leaning against his door. I've never saw him on Saturday's until it was really late and he brought a girl to his room and i'd seal my blinds shut.
Before I could look away Damian's eyes locked mine.My eyes widened and I went back to looking down at my book. After a few seconds I felt a presents hovering over me. I slowly looked up to see Damian standing above me. Did he climb my fence?
"Did you just move in?" He asked.
An actual person other than my parents and the pastor was talking to me. I didn't know what to say. I've never talked to an actual boy.
"Hey! I asked you a question. Are you deaf or something". He wasn't very friendly.
"No. I've lived here my whole life", I answered.
"You live with the jesus freaks. I heard rumors of them having a daughter, but I didn't believe it until in now. I didn't know they even fucked at all". He blew on that thing again and I slammed my book shut offended.
I stood up and glared at him. "My parents are not jesus freaks! Oh, and that's a bad word!" I have never raised my voice. I was surprised at myself.
His lips lifted into something that looked kind of like a smile. "You seem to be getting angry".
He blew smoke into my face and I coughed and waved it out my face. "What is that thing", I asked pointing to the little cylinder thing in his hand.
His eyebrows seemed to knit and crease. "You don't know what this is?"I shook my head. He chuckled. "It's a cigarette. You smoke it", He says.
"Cigarette?" I said more to myself than him. "Cig. a. rette". I repeated the foreign word on my tongue.
"Yeah. It's a cigarette. No matter how many times you repeat the word, it's not going to change", He snapped at me. I frowned at him. Why did he seem so upset.
"Why are you upset?" I asked.
"What are you talking about"? He asked.
"You seem a little upset coming out here. Have you sinned", I asked. I get upset when talk back to my mother, and she tells me that I have sinned and need to be forgiven.
Although Damian didn't seem to care about sinning. "What the hell? Sinned? Are you some kind of Fucking saint... Oh yeah, you are. NO, I didn't sin. It's none of your business". He looked at me like he didn't like me. I clutched my book.
"I should go", I said not looking him in the eye.
"Have you ever left your house?" Damian suddenly asked.
"Uhhh...Sometimes with my parents. And on sundays I go to church for two hours", I said to him.
"That's it? Don't you ever get lonely?" Of course I got lonely. i had nobody but my parents. I always wished to have a friend or someone else to talk to. Instead of saying this to Damian I just kept my head down. "What's your name?"
"Winter", I said with a little smile.
"Cool name. Well, I'll see you later weirdo", He said blinking only his right eye quickly at me.
"Is weirdo good or bad"? I asked before he walked away.
I stuffed his hands in his pocket. "I don't know yet". Then he walked off and so did I. I ran up to my room and threw myself onto my bed with a little smile. Maybe I didn't dislike Damian Evans.

Sinful Secret
RomanceWinter had never lived a normal teenage life, as she grew up sheltered by her strict religious parents, who kept her homeschooled and taught that the world was evil. Never having a real friend or social life, winter didn't know what to do when her l...