Meeting Walt

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The first time I met Walt he made me smile and laugh he asked me a couple of questions then asked me what do I like to do for fun then after a 4 hour conversation he took me home and afterwards we texted for a little while then we said good night and that was it. The weekend was slowly approaching and he asked me would you like to come over ?? And I responded with "sure.what time do you want me to come??" He said "come at 5pm when he get off and we can go grab some food." I said "okay." That was the plan for me weekend. The weekend came along he told me his drive was on the way to come get me when I came outside there was a black truck with a guy in a suite. The guy  asked me "Miss.jane ??"
" yes"
"Mr. patman told me to come get you"
" Yes, i know he told me"
" okay well come on Miss.jane "
Once I got into the car I felt like I very nervous and all I can think is what did this guy want to do with me. When we pulled up it was a very tall building in front of me. The driver came and opened the door he then lead me up to Walt's penthouse when the elevator doors opened it opened up to his house I was so shock when we walked in Walt pulled me into him and kissed me I was so shocked that I kissed him back. Before I know it we were in his bed room making out he pulled out a condom and put it on before I could say anything we were having sex when we finished I took a showered  while he order food. When Sunday came he wake me up to a gift. Then I went home after I went home he told me he had such a good time that he can't wait to see me. After that every day I was seeing Walt it was like he wanted to be with me 24 seven I didn't mind the attention I actually loved it. Butt it didn't stay like that for a while something in him changed and this was a Walt I never seen. He would make me  stay at his apartment while he was work. While I was there he would watch everything I did on the cameras In his house that he installed in is house. But one day Walt came home and called me out the room using my full name. When I came out the room he said "AVA Jane bring your ass here now."
"Yes Walt I said."
"When I leave you here I expect you not to wonder around the house"
"Yes" ( rolling my eyes )
" Did you just roll your eyes at me ??"
" No I did-"
Before I could get anything out he slapped me. I felt to the floor holding my face I grabbed my hair and dragged me to his room where he punch and kicked me after a 3 min beating he stopped and walked out the room I got up and grabbed all my things right before I was walking out the room he stopped and begged me to stay all I can do was say yes ..... because I know something he didn't... The next morning I woke up in his bed I had a really bad headache he came into the room and said "babe how many other guys are you seeing??" I was so scared to even lie to him so I told him " 2 other guys why" he then responded back with  " nothing baby just asking".. I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom and throw up in toilet. Walt walked in and asked was I okay ?? I turned back and said "yes I'm fine". He left me up and said that he made breakfast he kissed me on the forehead and said "I'm not going to be joining this morning I have to go into work". Later on that day  I went up to Walt work room and what I found in there forced me to leave Walt that day. On the way back home all I can do is cry about what I seen how can he do this to those girls and or even but the part that hurt the most was I was pregnant . But the crazy part was I didn't know who's the dad to my baby.

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