Today is Taylor's birthday.. (AVA point of view) I was up all night trying to get Taylor's party ready.. when morning came I woke up and got him and A'moura ready. Taylor couldn't stop talking bout his birthday party and how everyone's going to be happy... T/" Mommy I can't wait." A/" Yes Taylor." T/" mommy where is daddy ? Why isn't he here with us..?" A/" Daddy had to go get some of the kids who were spending the night.." T/" Ok..." A/ " seat here while I go get your sister ready..." Once they where ready I got my self dress. That's when Jay came in the house and got ready. Once I was done put on my lip gloss. He came and put his hands around my waist. I said " let's take a picture bae.." "Ok.." said Jay. I snapped our picture..
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After taking our picture Taylor came running in the room. T/" mommy and daddy I'm ready to go..." A/" Okay Taylor..." J/" You told Joeann thank you for your party .???.." T/" No.. Thank you mommy..." A/" Your welcome baby.." J/" well I'm bout to go but A'moura in the car y'all come on..." A/" wait have to take there pictures.." I grabbed A'moura baby bag and Taylor's hand. I put A'moura bag in the car and snapped Taylor and A'moura picture.
A'moura ~ 4 months
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Taylor ~ 5 years old
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My baby's are so cute... When we got in the car. Jay put his hand on my lap. I looked over at him and smiled. J/" baby I'm so happy you stock by side. Without you I don't know what I well be doing right now. You excepted my son as if he was yours and can't thank you enough for that. Then you have me my beautiful baby girl A'moura. I love you bae..." A/" I love you"