My Secret

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Y'all never know this but Jay has a son
He has been hiding him from AVA because he doesn't know if the kid is really his but things are going to Change. When he get the call of his life.

(Jays point of view)
It's been 3 Weeks since A'moura was born and every day I look at her she starting to look More and more  like my son. I  had got a DNA test done on him like a week ago and the test results are done . I been waiting on his momma to call me but she never did. I guess I know the answer to the test results.

I had A'moura sleep on my chest when my phone start ringing I thought it was AVA so I answered without even looking at the screen.
" Hello"
" Hi Jay the results are back.."
" oh really Tiffany . What they say???"
" I'm going bring your son to you.."
" What ???"
" He's yours and I think it's time for y'all to bond so you can have him..FOR NOW..."
" bye jay see you later.."
" Tiffany wait...."
That's when the phone went dead...
what am I going to tell my girl when she get home.. Man never even told her about my son.... I got up to and grabbed A'moura baby bag to go to AVA mom house.

10 minutes later
I pulled up and called AVA out side.
J/" get in the car we need to talk.."
A/" Okay"
J/" Baby remember my ex Tiffany well she found out she was pregnant once me and her broke up and we got together."
A/" Okay Jay what are you'd saying.. it's your kid ??"
J/" baby YES.. I'm so sorry.."
A/" Do the baby know you"
J/" yes I was there when the baby was born.."
A/" Okay so you know what you need to do.. Step up and be a dad.."
J/"One more thing he coming to stay with us..."
A/" Okay me and the kids we'll sleep in the bed and you sleep on the couch.. just until we set up a bed for him in A'moura room okay...."
J/" Okay.. that's fine with me ..."
A/" well since you here I'm ready to go.."
J/" Okay"
AVA got out the car to go get her things. I'm not gone lie I was scared to tell her but she took it like a woman. Any other bitch would have been going crazy. I guess that's why I love her...
As soon as we pulled way from AVA momma house Tiffany called
" Hello"
" where you at I'm outside your house.."
" I'm done the street give me a second.."
That's when I hung up.
A/" who was that??"
J/" Tiffany.. she at the house waiting for us.."
A/" Okay.."
When we pulled up the house we got out. AVA went and got A'moura out.
" Dadddy" my son screamed running up to me. I picked him up and Tiffany walked up.
AVA came around hold A'moura.

T: Tiffany
T/" OMG you had a baby.. congratulations.."
A/" Thank you.."
T/" How old is she??"
A/" only 3 weeks.."
T/" ohhh you just had a baby.. I'm pretty sure Taylor would have loved to see you guys bring in his little sister.."
A/" well he now gets to watch her grow up.."
T/" Okay.. well bye Taylor baby mommy loves you..."
A/" BYE"

(AVA Point of view)
I'm I wrong for feeling hurt. I carried this boy baby for 8 and half months. I suffered so much abuse and this is how he repays me. He could have gave me a heads up. He literally told me the day that the little boy was coming to stay with us. But I can't be mad at the kid. He didn't ask For a shoned out ass dad.. I can feel my blood boiling.
I went to go lay A'moura down so I can get in bed. I was losing my mind. I think I may need a drink after this...
I went to the room and laid across the bed and felt asleep....
Jay came in the room and kissed my neck he told me that I have been out all day I asked where are the kids he said they were sleep...
A/" Jay bring Taylor up stairs."
J/" Why??"
A/" just bring him up..."
I was cut off by Jay with a kiss...
he start sucking on my neck making me feel all different things...

(Jays point of view)
Tonight I wanted AVA body to shake. I started kissing all over her neck. Then I reached my hands in your pants. She grabbed my hand and said my body is not done healing baby. I said yes baby but I'm only going to lick it that's all.
Then I went back done there to her lil AVA. To night I wanted AVA body to shake.
I started licking her nice and slow. I rubbed her clit with one hand and used my other hand to finger her. I cloud tell she was enjoy herself because for i know it she had cum. I licked her clean then I made her cum again and again. When I was done I got up and kissed her. She turned over and went to sleep while I went to go brush my teeth.
I went into the closet to go grab me some pants but as I was pulling my pants done a shiny ring felt I picked it up and then I noticed it was the ring I proposed to AVA with. I thought she lost it. I'm not gone lie I feel hurt looking at the ring hidden in my clothes. I feel as if she's trying to say i don't want to marry you...
The next morning I woke AVA up and asked her did she want breakfast. She said yes and left to go make it. When I came back with the food I put the ring in front of her.
A/" where did you find my ring ???"
J/" it was hidden inside my pants.."
A/" really !!!"
J/" AVA do you really want to marry me ??"
A/" Jay I'm in love with you.. you gave me A'moura what more could I ask from you.."
J/" Okay AVA..."

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