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Amelia's POV:

It's been a long time since the footsteps have dissipated into slow scraping across the floor. Somehow that noise alone is even more nerve wracking, simply because you can hear exactly how close or far they are.

I can feel V's hand gently stroking my hair which seem to calm me a bit, but I can't help but get a bit stir crazy locked up in this uncomfortable car for so long. Especially when it's stuck upside down.

"I think we are safe to get out," Yoongi whispers from up front.

"Are you crazy?" Jimin questions him.

"Listen. They're aren't many left," Yoongi replies.

We all stay silent to hear the footsteps of only a few walkers. Although the may be correct, I don't want to see those red eyed monsters ever again. The regular zombies are a piece of cake, but not those.

"Okay, we can take them I'm sure," Namjoon concludes.

"If you say so," Jungkook agrees to his Hyungs command. I feel like this boy will do anything for them.

V tries to reach for his gun but I only clutch into his arm harder. I've never felt more helpless in my life, even more so than when this whole thing first started. It may be because I've lead myself to be vulnerable to some of these boys.

I also don't want to see anymore people die.

"Milly, it's okay," V consoles me.

"What if they aren't gone?" I hug his arm tighter.

"We got this," he pushed me away to look me in the eyes.

I feel better looking into his determined eyes, realizing I need to rediscover my armor.

"Ready?" Yoongi asks, counting down on his fingers.

We all spill out of the car, if anyone was watching from the outside we would look ridiculous. Just as Yoongi said, there are only a few walkers left which we take out with ease. They also are not red eyed like the ones from before.

"Aish, I have to pïss," Jimin mutters, walking off.

"My legs have never felt more cramped in my life," Namjoon groans while kicking them out.

"No dip Mr. Daddy Long Leg," I chuckle, earning a bi of laughs from the other boys.

"Okay Miss let me use this opportunity to cuddle with V Hyung," Jungkook teases me with one eyebrow raise.

"Oh shut it!" My face flushes red as I chase him around.

While trying to chase him I run straight into V, taking a step back without making eye contact. I attempt to step to the right, being stopped by him who does the same, then to the left, the same result following.

"Yah Yah Yah," V laughs, pulling me into a hug.

To keep everyone from seeing my bright red face, I don't refuse his gesture. V and I have known each other for quite some time so it shouldn't be weird for us to hug. Right?

"So how are we gonna get to North Korea now?" Jungkook asks.

"Yeah, without a car it will take years," Jimin finally returns from his pee break.

"We find another car," Yoongi shrugs.

I stare, judging them with all my might.

"Why do you want to get to North Korea so bad? It's not a way out," I furrow my eyebrows.

"Actually, it is. In fact it's the only way out," Yoongi repeats the answer they have been giving me all along.

"No. It's a dead end," I shake my head, "they'll kill us once we get there. Who on their right mind would let a bunch of potentially infected people into a healthy nation?"

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