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Amelia's POV:

My urge to completely trash talk Yoongi is put to a halt when my vision becomes severely worse. The glitches practically spread completely across my sight, making it appear like a screen.


I start to blink my eyes rapidly, resorting to shutting them tightly and then opening again when that doesn't work. Instead of seeing the world as I know it I start to see a round LED light fixated above me.

"Are you awake?"

I stare at a face that appears above me, glitches continuously making it impossible for me to identify who they are. However, I can easily link the voice to Jimin's soft tone.

"Shut it! She can't wake up yet!" Another voice shouts.

"Jin Hyung, her eyes are already open," Jimin replies, now I can almost completely make out is features.

"Why can't she wake up yet?" Tears are almost brought to my eyes by Jungkook's voice meeting my ears.

"Because she's the one abn-"


Just before Namjoon can finish his sentence I'm shaken back into reality. Reality?

"Yah! Come to your senses?" V worriedly cradles my head in his hands but I'm too shocked to move.

I quickly fade out as quickly as I faded back in, returning to see Jimin's face above mine.

"Shït shes coming back," His eyes widen.

"Fückin V can never doing anything right," Namjoon grunts.

I try to say something, anything, but words refuse to leave my mouth. My limbs feel as if they're asleep while my mind remains awake.

"So if she wakes up we're fücked?" Jungkook asks, I watch as he joins Jimin in examining me. I find that I can't even move my eyes to look around, only blurredly make out their faces without moving my eyes.

"Well..." Jin trails off, "we don't know for sure,"

"Hyung!" Jimin and Jungkook screech in synchronization.

"Listen, all we know is that she is the only difference from every-"

"AMELIA!" V cuts Namjoon off again with a scream.

I am pulled away from the separate world but am unable to open my eyes. Before I know it his fingers plug my nose while is lips meet mine, blowing air into my lungs. I sit up all too quickly, bumping my head into his and erupting into a manic coughing fit.

"Oh my god," V breaths out, scrambling over to me to rub my back.

"W-What just happened," I struggle to ask in between coughs.

"You collapsed out of nowhere," He explains, both hands on my arms.

"Where did I go?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Huh?" His expression becomes more worrisome.

"You can't tell him that this isn't real," Jimin practically whispers in my ear.

"AH," I jump, V stumbling backwards in fright.

I look to my left, then right, realizing that it was just in my head. Am I hearing things? Or was that really Jimin?

"What's wrong?" V looks at me, completely alarmed by my behavior.

"You stopped breathing!" He continues when I just stare back at him, "and now you look crazy?"

"They're alive," I breath out.

"W-What?" V stutters in response.

"She better shut up or she's going to end up dying," Jin huffs.

"Never mind," I squeak, not enjoying the new voices in my head.

"Seriously, are you okay?" V scoots towards me with caution.

"I think so," I whisper.

I'm entirely unsure about what I've just seen, and now what I'm hearing. I've already confirmed this life to be fake, but what I haven't found out is what happens after. At least now I know that they're still alive.

I just don't know where.

Or why I can't die.

Hoseok's POV:

"Are you sure we should split?" I ask Yoongi worriedly, watching V and Amelia disappear behind us.

"We have to get this over with as soon as possible," Yoongi replies plainly.

"We have time. We should focus more on being careful and recovering," I refer to his wounded arm which he's made no effort to bandage.

He shrugs, "I'm fine,"

The car remains silent for a moment, Yoongi's determination almost suffocating me. Something just seems off now, but that could also be the fact that sorrow has numbed my body.

"You know, I don't understand why you and Amelia have to fight so much. You're kind of similar people," I think aloud.

"We are nowhere near similar," He scoffs.

"Well... I guess you wouldn't be able to notice..." I trail off.

"Trust me. If you remembered anything you would know that she is completely different from us," He glares at me.

"Remember what?" I ask.

"Nothing," He brushes it off as if he never brought it up.

I contemplate his statement, wondering if I've forgotten anything about her. From the beginning I can only recognize her as selfless and kind, nothing jumps out at me to make her a bad person.

"I think you should treat Amelia better, that's all," I continue, not necessarily understanding why this topic is so important to me.

"I don't care about Amelia," he shakes his head.

"Why not?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Because she isn't real," He mumbles.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I laugh at his ridiculousness.

"Forget it. I just don't like her, okay? Stop nagging me about it," He turns angry signaling for me to shut up.

I turn my attention to outside, watching the building starting to build up on each other. Eventually they become as tall as the sky, a sign that we are entering some sort of city.

I can only hope that we can get to the ring without much trouble. The same goes for V and Amelia. I hope they aren't in danger.

My mind eventually finds itself back to a memory I tried my best to push to the back of my head. No one knows, but I know Jungkook didn't die in the river.

He was with Amelia when they came to save us.

He too considered this life a simulation.

Maybe that thought isn't too far off from a lie? Although, I can't seem to accept that sort of solution to something so real. As much as I wish this was fake it's not.

But why am I still suspicious?

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