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Amelia's POV:

"Are you sure you're okay? Can you stand up?" V curiously looks me over.

"I'm fine," I brush his hands off as sloppily pull myself to my feet.

As soon as I look up glitches appear. I grunt, stumbling backwards. This is getting old real quick.

"Aish," V breaths out, catching me.

As soon as I make eye contact with him the glitches disappear completely. For the first time since Jungkook died, my vision is free from any sort of distraction. I breath out a sigh of realized, simply focusing on his eyes.

"I think I'm just dehydrated," I say in excuse for my weird behavior.

"You should sit first," he tells me.

"No no it's okay," I reassure him.

He warily let's go if my waist and opens his backpack. As soon as he hands be a water I guzzle it down, wondering if perhaps I may actually be dehydrated. I can't exactly remember the last time I had a good drink of water.

"I think we should find somewhere to rest before dark," V suggests.

"No," I shake my head, "We hostel find the bracelet as soon as possible,"

"Since when are you so on board with our escape mission?" He chuckles lightly.

I shrug my shoulders, "I'm just sick of being on edge all the time,"

He nods in agreement, but still insists on finding a place to sleep. We only have to walk a few blocks on a creepy suburban street before finding a suitable house.

"You think it's safe?" I ask carefully once we start to approach the structure.

It looks almost untouched compared to all the other houses. Despite its flaws here in there, it only looks like its aged a little. Instantly I become suspicious knowing that all is possible in this life.

"I don't think we should stay here," I whisper.

"Why not?" V pretends to listen to me.

"I'm getting bad vibes," I continue on but he only brushes it off.

V steps onto the porch first, followed by me making the wood creek beneath my feet. I jump, falling into V who catches me once again.

"Yah! Why are you so skittish?" V's eyebrows furrow.

"I just am," I reply calmly.

The idea of knowing that a zombie could literally fall from the sky and land on top of us haunts me. Even if I make the greatest effort to be careful, it doesn't matter anymore. Someone who's controlling this world has the choice to kill whenever they want.

Or maybe they don't?

Even if they throw an obstacle my way doesn't mean it's impossible to defeat. Maybe I should start looking at it that way.

The two of us finally enter, searching the whole house to luckily find nothing. At this point the sun has already gone down and a full moon is illuminating the grass in the front lawn.

V and I decide to camp out in the living room since we get a view of the front door along with the kitchen and dining room. If someone decides to enter we'll know.

I sit down on the sofa, relaxing my tired feet while V makes his way over to a recliner. He makes it about 5 feet away from me when the glitches return to my sight, anxiety building up in my chest.

I try to calm myself down, pushing the thought of these glitches being a sign of my coming death to the back of my mind.

"Did you hear that?" My eyes widen when a slight rustling in the pushes sets me off.

"You mean the wind?" V laughs.

When I hear his voice the glitches dissipate slightly, but not completely.

"Are you okay? You're looking pale again?" V gets up from the recliner to feel my forehead. I relax when the glitches disappear.

"You don't seem to have a fever," he frowns, confused about what my condition is.

"I'm okay," I smile, "just really tired,"

"I'll keep watch tonight. Catch some sleep," He smiles back before returning to the recliner.

He only takes a few steps when the dreaded glitches return, my mind catching up to what's going on. When I'm close to V, they go away. But why is that?

"Yah. Quit staring at me you're creeping me out," V warns me.

I sigh, not exactly thinking clearly enough to consider the strangeness of my actions. I pull myself up from the sofa, grabbing a blanket off the back and shuffling over to V.

Our eyes meet, my vision clearing to se who's eyebrows furrowed completely. I smile shyly, placing my knee on the edge of the recliner before squishing myself next to him.

"Uhhh" His eyes go wide, "What are you doing?"

"Ignore me," I whisper, feeling my ears heat up with embarrassment.

V helps to spread the blanket nonetheless as I rest my head on his chest. Surprisingly he takes my hands which awkwardly longer around my chest and motions for me to wrap them around him. I don't hesitate.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks gently.

I nod my head against his chest, enjoying every bit of warmth that radiates off him. For awhile I simply listen to his heartbeat, waiting for myself to drift off to sleep but somehow I can't.

"Can't sleep?" V seems to have noticed.

"Nope," I reply quietly.

He starts to play with my hair, "do you have something you want to talk about?"

"I just want to feel safe," I whisper.

He gently pulls the blanket up to my cheek and wraps one hand around me. The other hand continues to stroke my head out of comfort.

"You can feel safe when you're with me," he tells me.

A few minutes pass and I can feel my eyelids becoming heavier. For the first time I'm actually comfortable while drifting off to sleep. I wish this moment would last forever.

Just as I'm almost completely asleep, I hear V whisper, "I will never let anything happen to you,"

"Promise?" I reply in a sleepy whisper.

I feel him shift slightly, his hands moving my face to look at his. I'm half asleep and too out of it to open my eyes and look at him, but I'm awake enough to feel him press his lips against my forehead.

"I promise you, Mill,"


I feel like my chapters have been so short lately )):

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