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Yoongi was suspicious and annoyed, two of his least favourite feelings, especially when they were being provoked by his best friend

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Yoongi was suspicious and annoyed, two of his least favourite feelings, especially when they were being provoked by his best friend. The part of him that was annoyed also felt equally selfish for being annoyed, however, his suspicions were elevating the annoyance. Yoongi knew almost nothing about Jungkook's internship and he assumed it was due to it being confidential, but it was out of character for Jungkook to tell Yoongi absolutely nothing about something he was so proud of.

When you grew up knowing everything about a person due to the trust you have with each other, you start to feel like you did something wrong when something was suddenly a secret. At least, that was Yoongi's logic. He tried to rationalize it and make himself believe he wasn't obligated to know everything about Jungkook's life, but it still hurt to be left in the dark.

Maybe Yoongi would be able to look past it when Jungkook finally followed through on his promise to stay involved in the Gazette, or even hung out with Yoongi, Taehyung and Jimin when it wasn't an obligation during school hours. Yoongi promised himself he would be patient, but that patience was beginning to run thin.

He tried to put the thought in the back of his head for now, and instead focus on the meeting taking place. Mr. Kim had entered the classroom used for the Gazette meetings, holding a fairly large cup of tea and a stack of essays. "I trust you four- wait, three. Jungkook isn't here again?"

"No, he has his internship."

"Ah, Kim Namjoon stealing away my students all the time. One day I ought to steal his employees as revenge. As I was saying, I trust you three know what you're doing? I have more essay's than I would care to mark, so if you don't mind, I'll be over here."

Seokjin turned around to walk towards the front desk, but turned back around to face Yoongi, "Your article was great by the way, I wouldn't change anything and I think the topic of Spider-man will get a broader audience. Maybe, if any of you are up for it. You could try and get some pictures to go along with it, it could be a front page spread."

"F-front page? Thank you sir." Yoongi was trying his best to not make it obvious that his jaw was dropped, but he was pretty sure he was failing. To Yoongi, his article was mediocre at best, but he wouldn't question it.

"You deserve it. Now, keep doing what you're doing."

Yoongi smiled to himself, before turning back to his friends. "Okay, so pictures of Spider-man. How are we going to manage that?"

"That is a very good question, I mean he's out all the time, I'm sure one of us can snap a picture at some point. The news always manage to record him, we can too." Taehyung says, Jimin nodding along in agreement.

"Okay. But, he could be anywhere in Queens. We have to be in the right place at the right time."

"Well, we can walk around in different areas and hope for the best. If you hear a lot of screaming or something, I'm sure that would be a direction to look into."

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