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a/n it's been a hot minute since the last update (oops) but i just want to say thank you so so so much to everyone who has been reading, voting and commenting on this fic, i love reading what you guys have to say about it so please don't be shy! A...

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a/n it's been a hot minute since the last update (oops) but i just want to say thank you so so so much to everyone who has been reading, voting and commenting on this fic, i love reading what you guys have to say about it so please don't be shy! ALSO thank you for getting this to 10k reads PHEW that means a lot to me :') this chapter isn't as exciting or as long as the last few BUT i hope you enjoy it nonetheless! i'll try and actually update again soon instead of waiting almost a month. LOVE Y'ALL!!

In the span of less than a month, Jungkook went from having one person know he was Spider-man to seven. Six of those people he trusted, one of them he definitely did not. And the one person that he didn't trust was the only person who could use the other six against Jungkook. The exact thing he never wanted in the first place, but one thing Jungkook had learned within the past week was that he had no impact on these situations happening. The only way to keep those six people safe was to not have them in his life, and he would be damned if he let Necro take those people away from him. If he had to choose between fighting and not having his favourite people in his life, he would choose the fight without a second thought.

But, for the present moment, the only thing on his mind was getting Yoongi to Namjoon. There was no way he could take him home in this state. Especially when there was no telling if Yoongi would lose control again, and the last thing he needed was his parents either finding out, or getting caught in the crossfire. Jungkook made sure to tell Yoongi's parents he would be with Jungkook for a couple of days for a project. It baffled Jungkook how easily they believed they needed to be together for several days for a project, but he wouldn't question it since it made his job 100x easier.

This way they wouldn't be worried, and Yoongi would get the help he needed.

Jungkook wasn't sure how Yoongi's powers had manifested the way they did, he barely understood Necro's powers to begin with, and the power Yoongi had just displayed appeared to be identical. He knew they were dangerous, but he also knew all power was dangerous when the wrong person wielded it. He just had to ensure that Yoongi, with the help of himself and Namjoon, was able to learn how to control the power he had been forced into having, or find a way to get rid of them altogether. He didn't want to think about what could happen if either of those scenarios were impossible.

One thing was for certain, Jungkook wasn't about to let Yoongi go through this alone. Jungkook had the support and guidance from Mr. Kim, which allowed him to use his powers for good. The same could be possible for Yoongi. He would make sure that happened.


Yoongi's eyes opened up to another unfamiliar room. He was beginning to grow tired of waking up in rooms he didn't know, he was also tired of waking up from passing out in general. Too many things Yoongi never thought he would experience in his lifetime had occurred in the past few days. He didn't remember anything past passing out in the bathroom at school, all he remembered was being absolutely terrified and hearing Jungkook's voice. He could only remember what he said vaguely, but he knew whatever was said was enough to bring him back from that awful place. Yoongi had a lot of thanking to do, and a lot of stuff to figure out.

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