Chapter 2

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-For Jenny
You're eyes are nice, I wish I could see them more :3

James's POV

     James hurt all over. He felt like he had been hit by a truck. Jenny was the only one who could help him now. That's right Jenny was there! He couldn't believe his YouTube crush was at his job and had saved his life with CPR!

     "Thanks for saving me Jenny. I-I'm James." He said as he tried to get up, "Ouch I feel a sharp pain in my chest and ribs. I don't think I can get up right now."

     "Oh man...what's happening?? Who was that vampire chick? How do we get out of here now that all the exits are locked??" Jenny looked like she was panicking. Maybe she didn't like being trapped with strangers

     "It's gonna be okay Jenny. If you head to the store two stores down from here you'll see a pharmacy just across from there. Then you can get what I need to get better." James said to make her less panicked.

     "I don't want to be alone James what if someone is lurking around? I'm scared!" Jenny said still panicked. James though Jenny looked very cute in her outfit and wished he could help her and show her that he could protect her. He could not though, because he was hurt too bad.

     James looked around the Think Geek Store he was in with Jenny because he worked there and came up with a plan then smiled. He had a good plan that was going to work and help Jenny.

     "I have a plan..." Jenny looked at James and was less panicked, "If you get those porg walkie talkies I can talk to you while you're out there. And if you give me that millennium falcon drone I can make a rig and put my phone on it so I can follow you around and help you."

     Jenny smiled and that made James very happy, "That might work!" She squeezed his hand tightly and got the merchandise then tried to open it but James stopped her and gave her his wallet so she could check the items out and buy them.

     "Why did you do that? I could've just used them. No poi t in using money if were trapped and possibly going to die." She said in her sarcastic video voice.

     "Yeah but now you own them as your own. I saw some of your videos a d saw that you liked porgs :3" James said. Jenny smiled again which made James know he did the right thing.

Jenny's POV

      Jenny walked out into the now empty mall and was scared so she walked James who was still making his drone rig, "Its all empty and it looks like black vines are covering the sky lights and exits. It's like magic..." she said.

     Jenny really didn't want to be all alone in a creepy mall. She just wanted to get Porgs but James, one of her loyal fans needed help. She couldn't let him just lay there and she also would need help to get out of the mall. Just as she thought that she heard the Millennium Falcon drone fly behind her with a phone on it.

     She waved to James and followed as he went to the pharmacy. It was closer than she thought. That seemed convenient that a mall would have a pharmacy right there. This was real life though and Jenny didn6 believe in luck when it came to dangerous situations. In fact she was a bit of a pessimist at times.

     "Back ache to Princess Porg, the stuff I need is right down the first isle. Make sure to check the price and leave cash on the counter once you leave." James (Back ache) said to Jenny (Princess Porg).

     Jenny went down the first isle and saw some hot and cold pain relief cream as well as all of her favorite snacks which were also James's. She took a basket and put the cream and the snacks in along with some water then went back to the Think Geek Store.

     "Im so glad you're safe Jenny! " said James. Jenny put down the stuff next to him and gave him a soft hug then the looked at each others eyes and almost kissed when they got interrupted by a creepy double voice.

"YOUyou MUSTmust SURVIVEsurvie FORfore TWOtwo WEEKSweeks ORor YOUyou WILLwill BOTHboth DIE!"

The voice scared them both and James blushed. Jenny didn't know what came over her and blushed too.

"Well that doesn't make any sense...why are only WE trapped here? And why for two weeks specifically? Who's gonna cook the food court food? Won't people outside notice what's going on? This just seem's abit convenient and convilooted." She said to the voice in her quirky video voice. But the voice don't respond.

     Jenny sat next to James and held his hand while the two both ate snacks and got to know each other. They had a long road ahead and deserved a rest...

End of Chapter2
I really want the romance to be earned. What will happen next time when the pair encounter the mall monsters??

Trapped On a Mall With Jenny NicholsonWhere stories live. Discover now