⎿chapter 4⏋

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instagram: reki0x
tiktok: rekiry


For you, I could pretend that I was happy when I was sad~


Jimin ran into nearest building sliding down next to the lockers, his sobs filling the empty hallway. 

There were only 20 more minutes left for lunch, but he didn't feel like sitting at that table. Especially with Jungkook.

He felt like a burden to everyone, EVERYONE. His literal existence only made his surroundings worse. He was unloved. He didn't belong. He wasn't wanted. And he was told that countless of times, and he finally believed it.

He cried into his hands as he tried to push away old memories of his High School in Daegu.

No one wants you here.

Your so ugly even your mom wanted to disown you.

No one will ever love you.

Go away.

No one would care if you died.

That phrase kept replaying in his mind as reached around in his pocket.

He felt around his pockets until his hands landed on something. A razor.

He hesitantly pulled it out, as he let his tears fall to the ground.

As he pulled up his sleeves, he felt his heart drop. His left arm was still covered in deep, dark red slits, faint knife wounds, gruesome bruises from past bullying and cuts. 

It's already this bad. It doesn't matter if I just add on more. 

But before he got the chance to cut, 

"JIMIN!" Jungkook's voice pierced the air.

 Jimin panicked as he shoved the razor back into his pocket and stood up as Jungkook walked towards him.

"What do you want?" Jimin sniffled quietly as he looked at the ground, ready to run any minute.

"Look Jimin I-" he started.

"Ok I get it. I'm a burden to everything and if you want me to stay away from your table and your friends I'm ok with that. I guess no one likes the fact that I'm alive."

"No Jimin, listen please I-"

"You don't have to say it. You've said it before. Just my existence makes everything worse! But I just don't know why...what have I ever done to deserve to get treated this way...Jungkook? Why am I always the one who gets picked on..."

"Look Jimin. I'm sorry. And I mean it. I-"

"I hate you."



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