⎿chapter 23⏋

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Jimin walked home the next day feeling a bit nauseous. He had been feeling this way for the past few weeks now, but never told anyone.

He would constantly throw up, but he thought it was because of the food poisoning he got from eating raw steak at dinner a few days ago.

He was walking home when he felt a bit fatigue, and fell out of the side walk and collapsed onto the road. Then everything went black.





BEEP. BEEP. The sound of monitors and machines filled the room as Jimin slowly blinked his eyes, and looked around. 

He was laying on a bed, in an unfamiliar room. He heard voices, but couldn't completely know what they were nor who they belonged to.

"He's awake!" was the last thing JImin heard before drifting off the sleep again.





A few hours later, he woke to the sounds of nurses chatting with 2 figures.

The 2 figures came forward while the other nurse was working on something with the beeping monitor.

"J-Jungkook? M-Mom?" Jimin squinted as he tried to raise his hand to block out the intense light coming from the ceiling.

"Ow!" Jimin grunted as he felt a sharp pain in his arm.

"Jimin, you have a broken arm, fractured ribs, and a broken foot." Mrs. Park cried onto Jungkook as the nurses rushed over.

"You fainted onto the street, and almost got fully ran over by a car, but luckily Jungkook got you to the hospital b-before you l-lost too much blood." Mrs. Park sobbed as Jimin squinted and looked at Jungkook.

"Baby...it's ok...I'm here for you." Jungkook whispered as he gently stroked Jimin's hand.

"I'll tell the doctor Kyungsoo thatJImin is awake, he has some news for you." the nurse said before closing the door and walking away.

The 3 of them exchanged nervous glances before the door clicked open and the doctor walked in.

"Hello Jimin, Mrs. Park, and Jungkook. I am Do Kyungsoo and I was the one who performed sugery on you." He directed his voice to Jimin and smiled.

"S-surgery?" JImin suttered out.

"Yes. Now, would you like the good news or the bad news?" He asked while the 3 of them exchanged glances.

"Bad news." Jimin whispered while Doctor Kyunsoo cleared his voice and looked through his papers.

"Bad news is that your ribcage is really fragile, I have performed surgery but you must stay and rest in bed for about 3 weeks before you go."

"PHEW!" Mrs. Park said while wipin sweat off her forhead.

"What? I thought the bad news was going to be way worse than that." all 4 of them chuckled while Dr. Kyunsoo cleared his throat again.

"Now on the good news. Well, you guys may take this as good news or take it as bad news. But I'll leave it to you to discuss." the doctor said before turning his gaze on Jimin.

"Jimin, you have been experiencing fatigue and nauseousness, am I right?" the doctor asked as Jimin nodded his head slwoly.

"Ok. So, we weren't able to completely restore your ribcage, but we were able to save the baby. Congratulations Jimin! You are pregnant!" He cheerfully said as the 3 others opened their mouths in complete shock.

"B-but...how is that p-posible?" Mrs. Park gasped as the looked over to Jimin.

"Well, it is rare and uncommon for a male to have a part similar to women, therefore he is able to have a baby, but it has to be retrieved from the c-section. According to the other doctors, you are around 2 months pregnant." he said before walking out the door.

There was a complete silence as the 3 of them proccessed the information before...

"IMMA BE A GRANDMOTHER!!! YEEET" Mrs. Park squealed as she did her happy dance.


A/N: Thanks for reading! I'M AT 900 READS ALREADY??? Thank you thank you for all the support! I luv and purple all my readers! plz dont give up on me...

edit - im at 17K reads lmaooo

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