Cloudy with a Chance of Jesse

273 38 21

"Really?" I ask, hopping down the steps with my arms crossed at the sight of the rusty haired Umbrella Boy, standing under his stupid green umbrella in the rain.

"Hello." He greets me with a cheeky smile. "Good day at work?"

"I bet you do this to all girls you see wandering around Seattle."

"Only the pretty ones." He winks and I roll my eyes.

"C'mon!" he persists. "I don't do this all the time."

"Sure," I try my best to keep my eyes on the pavement. "You just hang out with your umbrella..."

"Well, it is raining," he says, "and an umbrella is an excellent pick-up line. Er, prop."

"Yeah," I scoff. "Nice try."

Umbrella Boy raises an eyebrow, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "I can just walk away, you know."

He steps back and I yelp, scuttling back under the umbrella and accidentally bumping into his chest.

"Hey, sorry, I—" he starts, lifting his arms. My breath catches and Umbrella Boy stops talking with a slight frown. "Problem?"

I wrinkle my nose, feigning indifference to the fact that I could feel the smooth muscles underneath his shirt. "Yeah, with you standing too close to me."

"Oh, I'm sorry." He waves his hand for me to keep walking. "I wasn't aware that your majesty required a five foot radius at all times."

I make a face and he smiles.

"So," he says, "what's your favorite color?"


"Hey, if you're not gonna make conversation, I will. Favorite color?"


"Favorite season?"



"Piss off."

He tilts his head at my rejection, humming in acceptance. "Favorite food?"

"Um." I squint against the rain. "Popcorn."

"Favorite candy?"

"Didn't I just answer that?"

"No, candy. Like, Kit-Kats."


He stops, forcing me to stop as well to avoid being drenched by the downpour. "Take that back," he says.


"Kit-Kats are delicious and you must never insult them again," he explains, totally dead-pan.

"You're a moron," I say.

He grins. "At least I have a good taste in candy."

"I just don't like Kit-Kats!"

He shakes his head. "I'm afraid I can't be seen with you anymore." He turns to leave and seems to be legitimately doing it when I yank his sleeve.

"Wait!" I pull him back, ducking under the cover of the umbrella once more. It annoys me that I want to fix his impression of me, over a piece of fricking candy no less, but I say quickly, "I just haven't had any, that's all."

He gasps like I've just confessed a murder. "I must fix that. You're going to have a Kit-Kat if it's the last thing I do."

"Yeah, sure, whatever," I say. "This is my apartment building." I dash quickly across the open space to the overhang on my steps. "Nice meeting you, Umbrella Boy."

"Jesse," he calls from under the circle of the umbrella.

"Riley," I respond after a pause, and then turn and step into my apartment building.


Hey, what's up readers? Names have been revealed, what do you think?

(If you dislike Kit-Kats then please keep the hate to yourself, don't hurt their feelings.)

Vote? Comment?

-(still working on it)

P.S - Oh and by the way the people that voted and commented on this are officially amazing and I love them so much so if that's you, keep being awesome and doing whatever you do because I appreciate you all to a level that cannot be reached by words.

P.P.S - This chapter is dedicated to Moe_The_Milk_Bender because they were the first to comment and vote and I love them whoever they are :) You should also check out their stories because they are fantastic

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