Cloudy with a Chance of a Date

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"Why did I agree to this?" I ask, starting to feel a dread that rises with the roller coaster we are seated in.

"Because secretly you want to rip my clothes off but instead you have to make up reasons to hold onto me," Jesse says pleasantly, leaning back and stretching his arms out like he hasn't a care in the world.

I, however, am beginning to hyperventilate as the peak of the track comes closer. My stomach is flip-flopping in sickened anticipation. It isn't the height I'm worried about—heights are great. It's the fall.

"Riley?" Jesse snaps his fingers in front of my face. "Riley, if you really want to get off, I can pull the emergency lever or whatever it's called."

"No, no, I'm fine," I assure him, swallowing hard as I do so. "No need to make a fuss."

He shrugs and goes to add something but then we're at the top of the track and looking down. Gravity takes over and it feels like all my intestines are trying to fly away as we plummet to the ground. We hurtle up another hill and speed down that one too, over and over again. I don't even realize I'm screaming because my face is buried in Jesse's shoulder, my arms wound tightly around his waist. I can feel him shaking with laughter as he pats my back and we go over another hill and finally start to slow down.

Once I feel we've come to a sufficient stop, I let go of Jesse and straighten pretentiously until I see him smiling at me like an idiot. "You made me go on this thing on purpose!" I say. He shrugs while helping me out of the roller coaster car.

"Roller coasters are fun," he says, without a hint of shame. "What next?"

"Definitely not food."

Jesse laughs shortly, an exhaled 'ha' that slips through his broad smile. "Okay."

"Something peaceful, relaxing..." I search the park grounds. "There!" I point to the large circle in the sky.

"The Ferris Wheel?"

"Yes. I went on that petrifying ride with you, now you're going to come on this beautifully dull thing with me." I start dragging him over with purpose while he chuckles.

We make it just as the last car is loading, and the attendant waves us in with a bored expression. I sit down and make sure the bar is secured firmly in place. Assured, I sit back and sigh contently.

"You're just a safety freak, aren't you?" Jesse says. The machine starts moving with a slight groan of protest.

"I don't know about you, but I'd prefer not to fall onto the pavement."

"But where's the action, the excitement, the thrill?"

"The thrill of death, you mean?"

Jesse laughs and leans back as we rise into the air. Like I said, heights don't bother me, and I eagerly look over the side of the car to see the view. Seattle stretches out in front of me, the clear day a rare occasion. The carnival is on the edge of the harbor. The Space Needle climbs towards the sun on my left, and all the other buildings are made of gold and glimmering windows.

I turn back to Jesse to show him something and see that he's smiling at me with his head tilted slightly to the side, looking happy as can be. In the sunlight his hair glints more of a fiery red, spiked up all over from the wind. His eyes are wide and bright, like little pieces of the sky cut out and put inside his head.

I realize I've been staring at him as we reach the top of the Ferris Wheel. He raises an eyebrow at me as if asking a question. My mouth is hanging open a tiny bit because god, he looks good and I really, really want to kiss him so I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.

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