Author's Note

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Hey readers!! New story! I got the idea from a book by @divergentributepjo. Her book was called "The Hockey Player." 

Taylor Brown has always played baseball. As the daughter of the Dodgers owner, she has baseball running through her blood. Softball has never been an option for her, it was always baseball. With 2 older brothers and one younger brother who played baseball, she had to. But being the person she is comes with some downfalls. Everyone in her school sees her as the snotty rich kid, the girl who got everything handed to her on a silver platter. But when the star pitcher of the baseball team takes an interest in her and her story, she thinks things might be changing for the better. While navigating the halls of high school, can she take her place on the mound where she belongs? Or will the dugout become her permanent home? 

I hope you all like this book!! 

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