Chapter 4

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I walked up the stairs next to Tommy, with Trevor and Tyler behind us. When we got to the top of the stairs, we all went to the right, because on the left is our dad's room. We went down the hallway that had all of our rooms, and my room and Trevor's rooms were across the hall from each other. At the end of the hall was Tyler and Tommy's room. 

I turned into my room and turned my light on, and when I walked in, I realized Tommy has followed me in. 

"Dude, what are you doing? Have you forgotten where your room is?" I ask. 

"No, I just forgot what your room looked like. It's been so long." Tommy says. 

"Well, now that you've seen it, will you get out??" I ask, impatiently. 

"Yeah, I'm going." Tommy walks out, and I close the door behind him. I peel off my clothes, sweaty from playing capture the flag, and put on my pajama top and shorts. I sit on my bed and brush out my hair, thinking of the capture the flag game. The first game, we won. Tyler and Trevor won round two, and we won round 3, by getting Tyler in jail, then me and Tommy running full speed at Trevor, before faking out and going around him, where I picked up the flag (with Tyler letting out an impressive stream of curse words), and Tommy kept Trevor from tagging out Tyler. Trevor turned at the last second and ran at me, so I dropped and slid over the line onto our side, winning the game.

I finished brushing my hair and go and take a seat at my vanity. I pick up my comb, and start to part my hair. I grab two ponytail rings, and set them out in front of me. Once I have two parts of my hair, I begin French braiding one. I know how to do it so well, I could probably do it asleep. My mind wanders to the time my mom taught me how to braid my own hair. 

I was about 8, and I was going to a private school were everyone was expected to look uniform. That meant girls all had to braid their hair and wear skirts with matching socks and shoes. Boys had to wear slacks and polo shirts with ties. Anyway, we had to have our hair braided, and every night, I would shower, and my mom would French braid my hair. But whenever she did it, it hurt my head. I sat through the pain, but it got increasingly worse as my hair got longer. So one night, I asked my mom how to do it. She took me into her bathroom, and using a few mirrors, showed me how to do it. She still did my hair every day, but she let me practice on her so I could get good at it. 

One night, my mom wasn't home. Usually when my mom wasn't home, I would go over to my friend's house (I had a friend, but she moved away) and ask her mom to do it for me. But that day, I was feeling brave. I sat down at my vanity like I'd seen my mom do before, set out my brush, comb, two ponytails, hairspray, and stretchy headband. I brushed out my hair, parted it, did my two French braids as tight as I could, hairsprayed them, and put my stretchy headband up to keep my bangs back. I don't think I ever asked my mom for help doing my braid again.

Once I finish my two braids, I don't hairspray my hair, but I do put the stretchy headband in. I take out my contacts, walk over to my bedside table, and put on my glasses. I grab my retainers out of their case and put them in. Because I had braces for two years, they made me wear a retainer (like Invisalign) for a year, and now I just wear them every night. I sit down on my bean bag chair, and pick up my book. I have just opened it up when I hear a knock on my door. 

I stand up and walk over to the door, wondering what it was. In my house, we never knock unless it is my dad, or someone wants their privacy. I open the door, expecting to see my dad, but instead see Tyler. 

"Why did you knock? You know how to use the handle!" I say. 

"Ummm, I just wanted to make sure you weren't in the bathroom, or dealing with, uh, stuff?" 

I hit Tyler, and then say, "No, what do you want?" 

"Tommy wants you to go into our room." He says in one breath. 

"Okay. You could've said that way earlier." I walk out of my room, and close the door behind me. I walk down the hall to Tyler and Tommy's room, and see Trevor already in there sitting on one of their bean bag chairs. 

Tyler and Tommy's room was the largest of our 3 rooms. They had a thick piece of blue duct tape down the middle of the room, dividing their sides. The only neutral areas were the bathroom, the television, and the bean bags. I plop down in one of the beanbag chairs, and Tommy ad Tyler take the other two. 

Whenever the 4 of us wanted to hang out in someone's room, it was theirs, for a few reasons. One, it was the biggest, two, they refused to hang out in my room because "pink hurt their eyes(Tyler)", and also due to the 4 bean bag chairs in here. I only had two, Trevor had 2, but they had 4. 

"Tay, Truth or Dare?" Tommy asks. 

"What? Are we 7?" I ask. 

"Truth or Dare?" Tyler asks. 

"Truth." I say. 

"Were you or were you not checking out Cody Bellinger tonight at the gala?" Tommy asks. 

"What the hell?" I say. "No I was NOT. Moving on. Tyler. Truth or Dare?" 

"Dare." he says. 

"I dare you to go spend ten minutes in my room." 

"No way!" He says. 

"Ok, then you can wear pink to school every day next week."

"I'll take the first option." He says. 

"Ok, but here are the rules. You must sit in my room for 10 minutes. I will tell you when it is time to come out. You can not mess anything up, or you will have to do both dares." He shudders. "And, we will be watching the door, so no trying to leave." 

He stands up and walks out of his room. I watch him go into my room and close the door. I get up and silently lock the door from the outside. 

For the next 10 minutes, Trevor, Tommy, and I talk, and when the time is up, I open the door, and Tyler practically bolts out. 

We continue playing the game for a while, when Tyler (being the idiot he is), take things too far. 

"Trevor, truth or dare?" He asks. 

"Truth." Trevor says calmly. 

Tyler thinks a second, then asks the question. "Are you gay?" 

I gasp, looking at Tyler, then Tommy, and lastly, Trevor. 

Trevor doesn't respond for a second, then says, "No." 

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, but Trevor isn't finished. 

"I'm Bisexual." 

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!! (to those who celebrate)

I hope you are enjoying my story! Please comment below with any suggestions or anything you like or dislike! Until next time!!!


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