Broken: Chapter 5

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Over the weeks following, we fell into something of a comfortable routine. We'd do our personal work in the mornings, him on his responsibilities to the village and me on the research and modifications to the equipment, then meet at my quarters for what he called treatment. Afterward, if the session wasn't too taxing on him, we'd have a light dinner together and watch a movie before retiring to our respective beds.

Of course, there were occasional deviations to our days, especially when he experienced a difficult memory. He would cling to me sometimes, gripping me tightly while he fought not to break down or just simply crumble in my arms. When he recovered from his meltdowns, he'd tell me how much I needed to leave then abruptly disappear for a day or two after. I'd continue to work and fill my free hour until he came back, accepting that his rejection was par the course. Just like he needed me to push him sometimes, he also needed me to be there when he was ready to start again.

"I was wondering if you'd finally leave this time," he said when he returned from one of his walkabouts to find me sitting by the lake fishing. "I'm sorry, Des."

"No big. I'm used to it."

"You shouldn't be." He stood over me and watched the red and white bobber drift on the water. "You deserve to be treated better than that. It won't happen again. I promise."

"So you're not asking me to leave again?" I asked, lifting my line out of the water so I could focus on it rather than him.

"No. I want you to stay."

I leaned back and smiled. "Good because me and the fish had a meeting and they said they'd miss me if I left."

"They're not the only ones." He mumbled as he offered me his hand. "Thanks for sticking around."

I shrugged. "Well, I didn't have any plans away."

He chuckled as I took the offered hand and was pulled to my feet. Standing so close to him I could smell his distinct scent. It reminded me of open fields, being held close and puppy's breath. I savored the aroma before reminding myself I had no business savoring any part of him.

"What's wrong?" His hand tightened around mine, also reminding me that I shouldn't be holding his hand.

I smiled as I wrinkled my nose. "You need a bath."

He grinned. "Think so?"

"God yes." I stepped back as his hand slid up his massive chest to the top of his wrap and slowly tugged it free. My eyes widened as it fell. "What are you doing?"

"Taking a bath." His grin became more devilish as he whispered in a low, husky tone. "Wanna join me?"

I swallowed and shook my head. "In the lake? Of course not."

He closed the miniscule distance between us. "Why not?"

"I – I," I stuttered, my heart racing suddenly. "I can't swim."

"You don't have to, doll." He placed his hand on my hip. "Just put your arms around me and don't let go."

Oh hell, I thought as he encircled my waist with his arm before throwing us both in. The shock of the chilly water caused me to gasp only seconds before my head dipped under. Thankfully, he yanked us to the surface before I could suck down a mouthful of water, but his face was only inches from mine as he held me close and treaded water with only his powerful legs.

"I hate you," I hissed, pressing one hand against his chest to put some distance between us while the other snaked around his neck to keep myself from drowning.

He laughed. "Still wanna stay?"

"What I wanna do is kick your ass." I huffed. "Can we get back on solid ground, please?"

"Not yet." His fingers traced the waistband of my shorts. "Anybody ever tell you you're beautiful wet?"

I rolled my eyes. "All the time. I'm a regular Disney princess of the drown rats."

"You are beautiful, Des." He slipped his hand up the back of my shirt and stroked my back. "The most beautiful woman I've ever met."

"Bucky, don't," I pleaded. "What you're feeling right now isn't real. It's just gratitude; not real attraction."

"Feels real to me." He eased his hand further up until his fingertips grazed the bottom of my bra.

"I swear it's not." I cursed myself for not setting clearer boundaries from the beginning and for the way his touch stole my common sense. "We need to stop."

"Do you want me to stop?" He leaned forward and brushed his lips against my forehead. "I will if you tell me to."

Before I could answer, a voice I hadn't heard in months called out, "Hey, Des. You drowning out there?"

I turned to see the smiling face of one of my dearest friends, Sam Wilson. Thankful for the interruption, I yelled back, "Sam!"

"We're not done yet," Bucky whispered as he took us back to shore.

Ignoring him, I ran out of the water and into Sam's open arms, laughing as he held me tight even though I was dripping wet.

"God, Sam. It's so good to see you." I tilted my head, confused. "Wait. What are you doing in Wakanda?"

"Me? What are you doing here? Last I heard, you were still in D.C. beating up on congresspeople to get that veterans mental health bill passed."
I shrugged. "Yeah well, I got tapped by King T'Challa himself to help with a project after he heard about my work with that bootleg Stark tech you got me." Noticing the tall blonde standing just behind him, I playfully punched him in the arm. "Shame on you for being so rude, Sam Wilson. Introduce me to your shy friend."

Destiny Hunt, meet Steve Rogers." Sam grinned. "And before you ask, yeah. That Steve Rogers."

Ohmigod." I extended my hand excitedly. "Mr – I mean, Captain Rogers, It's an honor to meet you. I'm a huge fan."

With a forced smile, he shook it. "Ma'am."

Realizing I was standing in front of Captain America soaked to the bone, I blushed. "I'm so sorry. I'm such a mess. I need to get changed, but y'all are more than welcome to come inside and relax. I'd love to make y'all dinner or something."

"Thanks for the offer, but we're really just here to see Bucky," the Captain said.

I paused, feeling a little disheartened I wouldn't have a chance to catch up with Sam or meet one of my heroes. "Oh. No problem. Okay. I'll just... I'll go."

"Steve just means we'll be a few minutes," Bucky said when he joined us. "They'd love to stay for dinner. Wouldn't you?"

Sam shrugged. "It's been a while since I had a homecooked meal and if Des is cooking, I'm eating."

"Fine," Steve said after exchanging looks with Bucky. "We'd be happy to. Thank you."

"We'll be there shortly, doll," Bucky said.

I was practically beaming as I ran inside to shower and get dressed so I could entertain my friend and hero. As I finished up, I considered the nickname Bucky had used twice already.

I need to nip this in the bud, I thought as I joined them. For both our sakes.

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