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Seven: Introductions

The lights flashed around me like a light show and the bass in the music was loud enough that I could feel the room shake. People were scattered around the whole place; some dancing on the dance floor, some spectating from the second story, which had a balcony that looked down onto the dance floor, some at the bar, and some lined at the tables and benches around the room. Diva's was packed tonight.

I had already witnessed two physical fights in which security had to drag the perpetrators away. I had also witnessed a man get caught cheating by his girlfriend or wife. Let's just say the slap she landed on his face was good enough to leave a mark.

It had only been two and a half days since we decided to move our meetup location from Joeli's to Diva's. Jace was able to pull through, and somehow everyone from the group was able to make it tonight.

I didn't know if I was excited that everybody made it, or nervous for the drama that was about to take place. If the drama was to happen between anyone, I'm guessing it would be between Caleb and Evan, who strongly dislike each other, or Evan and Will, also strongly dislike each other. Hell, it could even happen between Will and I, or Will and Haley. Either way, drama was sure to find its way to us.

If I knew these people, odds are whoever the drama is between, Anthony will try to play the middle man and calm everybody down, while Harley made jokes about it all. They were the two calm, peace makes of the group.

I specifically told Jace not to bring Will with him, but of course he does the opposite and invites him. I guess he needed his brother with him since he was still fighting with Kristen. She had let him come home finally, but they still aren't speaking.

Kaitlyn was able to make it tonight, and I was thankful Haley and I weren't the only girls for once. It was nice to not be in a room full of testosterone for once and she always did a good job of telling the boys when to chill out.

"I don't think I have seen Anthony this drunk since college," Kaitlyn says to me.

I laugh and take in Anthony's state as he dances on the dance floor by himself. He's surrounded by other people, but doing dance moves I haven't seen anybody from this generation ever do. It's honestly a sight to see.

"You have such a keeper," I joke with her, making a laugh erupt from her.

"Don't I know it," she tells me and flips her sandy brown hair over her shoulder.

Kaitlyn is very petite, quite the opposite of her husky boyfriend. Her face is small and almond shaped, and her skin is ghostly pale, just like mine. Her hair is light brown and matches her brown eyes almost perfectly.

While she may be overlooked for her small size, her voice was mighty. Kaitlyn wasn't a girl to be messed with and she isn't afraid to tell someone off if they get on her nerves. She use to scare the shit out of me when I first met her, but now she's a good friend to me.

"When is Tyler getting here?" Haley moans from the other side of the half circle shaped bench we were sitting on.

Haley decided that she wouldn't drink until after Tyler got here, saying she wanted to make a good impression. I could tell it was absolutely killing her to be sober while most of our friends weren't. She was a partier, that's for sure.

"He said he would be a little late. Had some work to finish up," I tell her.

"Is his friend cute?" She questions, crossing her arms over her chest.

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