2 - Untold

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"Sir, are you alright in there? Do you need anything? Do you need help?" the stewardess says softly.


With that, the flight took off from Japan to Korea.


It's about 30 minutes since the flight take off from Japan, most of them now are either listening to music or reading books. Usually the first 30 minutes of whatever flight they take, they can't straight away go to sleep.

Maybe it just their habit to do something while boarding the plane before eventually went to sleep.

The sick feeling in Jin's stomach is not helping at all. He can't keep himself from focusing to the music, he also can't really read anything right now because he didn't feel like he need to read something.

Taehyung who is sitting beside him is listening to the music by the new headphone he bought with his eyes closed, probably going to sleep soon.

Namjoon who is sitting the other side of Jin is reading an english book. The other members probably going to sleep too since it's been a little over 30 minutes since they board the flight. Jin however didn't do anything.

He want to sleep but he can't because of the sick feeling in his stomach. So he just close his eyes, listening to the paper that Namjoon is flipping through.

Five. Jin count in his head. It's been five pages since he start counting. Namjoon already flip through 5 pages of the book and yet the sick feeling in his stomach is still there, probably worse than before.

Jin hold it for about two minutes before he eventually take off his seat belt. Namjoon notice what Jin is doing but he didn't really care because Jin is probably wanted to use the restroom for his own business.

After taking off his seat belt, Jin lightly taps Namjoon's leg so that he give him space to move to the restroom. With the light taps by Jin, Namjoon move his legs a little bit, making some space for Jin to walk pass through him.

And with that, Jin rush to the nearest restroom there puking his stomach out.

"I really should not drink before boarding, ugh" Jin says to himself.

But truth to be told, Jin is only drink one and a half can of beer so by the logic, that amount of alcohol is not really the reason for him to vomit right now. It usually take a lot of alcohol to make him vomit, but today?

The fact is, he is sober.

Vomiting is really not the best thing to do right now since he is really tired, in pain and all. It's about 20 minutes since he enter the restroom, he hear few knocks on the door.

The stewardess.

"Sir, are you alright in there? Do you need anything? Do you need help?" the stewardess says softly.

After cleaning his self, Jin open the door and slowly walk to the seat that the cabin crew use to sit. Since he didn't really have any energy to walk to his seat and not to forget his aching leg, he just choose to sit there.

There are only 2 stewardesses there with him since the other cabin crew are serving the customers.

"Sir, are you in pain or sick anywhere? Do you need me to call your manager?" one of the stewardess asks him.

Of course the stewardess know him. All of the cabin crew are informed that BTS will be boarding the same flight they are working.

After she said that, Jin just nods because he knows that the manager know his condition. With the nods she received from Jin, she walk closer to the manager seating infront of Namjoon's seat.

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