5 - Chaos

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But nothing happened, although Jin tries everything. He followed the order but still his chest feel so tight, his lung is burning and everything is blurry. While he tries to follow the order, he cough. Adding more pain to his miserable life.


"I'm going to tell Namjoon hyung about this" Jimin says as he stand up.

Oh shit. No. What the hell Jin is supposed to tell Jimin, to prevent the younger from telling their leader about his condition? It's only five song left before the concert end, Jin only need to bear it for five songs.

"No, I'm fine" Jin replies, quickly grabs the younger wrist, preventing the younger from walking out of the room.

"Fine? You look like shit hyung" Jimin says as he frown at the eldest.

"No. Really. I'm fine" Jin reassures the younger by meeting his eyes with Jimin's.

"I don't think so. You are pale. I mean, really really pale" Jimin says, not buying Jin's words.

"There are only five songs left-"

"No, I mean four songs, excluding the Cypher 4. I will be alright in just four songs" Jin tries.

"You barely look like you can stand alone without anyone at your side and now you are telling me that you are fine? Hyung, I am not stupid nor fool or whatever words it is. I clearly know you are not even close to being 'fine'. Why are you trying so hard to prevent me from telling Namjoon hyung about this?" Jimin questions the eldest.

Panic? Panic might be the right word to describe Jin's situation right now. Jin himself didn't even know why he is trying so hard to prevent Jimin for telling Namjoon or others about his condition.

It is not like Namjoon will yell at him or scream or anything at him. The leader will probably held a serious talk with the group and most importantly Jin.

That's all. It is not like there is any violent or anything though but Jin didn't even know why he didn't want the others to know.

"I promise, I promise I will be fine. Please" Jin replies as he eyes Jimin.

And with that, Jimin just brush off Jin's hand on his wrist and quickly find his way to the other waiting room where the others are in.

As Jimin walks away from the eldest, Jin quickly limps behind the younger praying that he can stop Jimin at the right time.

As Jimin enter the room, the busy room, Jin quickly grab the younger's hand again, and this time he drag Jimin out from the room and shut the door off.

"Please, can you see them? They are tired, so are you and me. Everyone is tired. We do not need to add more problem to them" Jin says to Jimin with his hand still holding Jimin's hand.

Jimin is speechless. He didn't even know there is a person like Jin on this earth. So selfless. Jimin is so sure that Jin is the one and only human ever exist on this earth, born to be selfless. He is sure that Jin's parents didn't raise him to be this selfless.

"Hyung, why are you trying so hard to not tell the others?" Jimin asks as he frown.

Honestly, Jin didn't even know why though. He just feel like it is not a big deal to tell others about his condition, not after he ruined their previous concert by a pointless argument about something stupid.

Only five songs left until the concert is finished, he is sure he can collect himself, bear all the pain for only five songs and after that he is free to sleep and rest for how long he wants since the company give them about 2 weeks of free time.

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