3 - Appointment

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"Can everyone just let me sleep comfortably for once" Jin says as he covers his ears and face with his hand.


Tell Jin what? The food is on the way? Does it really necessary to wake up the eldest just to tell him about the food is on the way?

Without further thinking, Namjoon just did what Hobeom said to him. Namjoon, Jimin, Jungkook and Jin. That's their order.

Since Jin is asleep, sprawling with messy sleeping position featuring Jungkook's messy sleeping position too at the very end row among all of the four members, Namjoon gets up from his laying position, and slowly crawling to Jin.

His action catch the remaining two members who are still awake on the couch, Taehyung and Hoseok.

"Where are you going? Hobeom hyung said anything? Sudden meeting at night?" Hoseok says as he eyes Namjoon's behaviour.

"Nope. Hobeom hyung is on the way here with dinner and he said to me to tell Jin hyung that he is on the way here" Namjoon replies as he look at Hoseok who is sitting on the comfy couch.

"Is it that important? The food is that important?" Hoseok asks, confusing.

"I also don't know" Namjoon replies and continue his action.

He crawls slowly towards Jin and softly tapping the eldest's leg. By that action, Jin sighs and fluttering his eyes open a bit in his sleepy state.

"What?" Jin says with his sleepy voice.

"Just want to let you know that Hobeom hyung is on the way here" Namjoon says softly so that the other sleeping members won't wake up.

Jin frown and groan a bit before covering his head with the warm blanket and continue sleeping.


Within 20 to 30 minutes later, their manager, Hobeom did arrived with food in his hands. Hobeom came into the dorm and heads towards the kitchen, placing the food he bought just know.

After settling down the food, he walks to the living room, in search for the members.

"Hi hyung" Taehyung says as he notices the manager.

With words Taehyung said, those remaining members who are still awake turn their head from the television and greet Hobeom.

"Jin?" Hobeom says as he eyes all the members.

Hoseok points his finger to the floor, at the very end of the row. Hobeom spots a not-so-huge pile of few blankets there, probably Jin is under that blankets.

Hobeom then walk slowly and kneeling beside the figure. He slowly pull the blanket from covering the said man. After doing that, he lightly taps Jin, waking Jin up. The others just eyes both of them in between watching the movie.

Jin groans and pull back the blanket to cover his head hoping for a peace sleep once again after being disturb by Namjoon a moment ago. But his action did not give him the wanted peace sleep as he is being shake by Hobeom again.

"Please.." Jin says in his hoarse voice, as he brush of Hobeom's hand from shaking him awake and try to cover his head again.

"Wake up now" Hobeom replies, still shaking Jin.

"Later..." Jin says.

"No, you need to wake up now, we are already late" Hobeom replies, pulling off the blanket from Jin's figure.

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