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"So let me ask did that happen before?" I ask pointing back and forth between us.

"Well it happened a couple of times to me because I am 1.2 billion years old." She explains looking calmed. She definitely can hold herself together even is she is confused compared to me.

I look at the age she gave me frowning slightly raising one eyebrow up. She continues saying, "But my time on earth is 32 years old. So my earth age is 32. If it makes you more comfortable." She seems considerate with everything she says. She then turns around facing me with her upper body, she takes her leg that's on my side crossing it and putting it under her other leg. She makes herself comfortable on my couch. "I think I have explained everything I could think of and whenever a question pops into your head even if you think it's stupid, just tell me, okay?" She asks in the end and I nod not knowing what to say honestly. From the thousands of scenarios I make into my head about my life that wasn't expected so I wouldn't know the best way of interacting with her.

She seems to notice my hesitation of what to speak about and decide to open the conversation herself. Thank God or in that case Thank Gaea*. "What is your name?" she asks smiling trying to make me at ease. I honestly have hundreds of thoughts about how everything will work out but I can put that aside now. "Jade" I answer looking down at my feet honestly I am so uncomfortable and I feel bad for her but I still don't know how to react to what happened. She realizes that I am still in the shook of seeing all that in one day probably, she looks behind her at the hall and gets up from the couch and takes me with her, she lightly pulls my hand till I am walking behind her. We reach my bedroom and she uncovers the bed, shoves me down and makes me lay down and pull the blankets over me like I am a baby, "We will talk when you wake up." She says smiling reassuring me. I suddenly wake up from my little hypnosis holding her hand that was covering me with me blanket and ask scared suddenly about her leaving me, "Where are you going?"

"Don't worry I will be here when you wake up but you need to sleep now so you can think more clearly in the morning. I will go sleep on the cou-" I don't let her continue what she is saying and pull of the hand I am holding. "No you are going to sleep here you also deserve to rest, the bed is big enough and before you can think about no it won't make me uncomfortable." I say in one breath, not wanting her to backup I pull another time softer than the other, and she seems to be defeated. She nods and I let go of her hand, "If you wanna wear something more comfortable, you can borrow anything from my closet." I say pointing at the closet from under the blankets. She nods again and walks there she opens it and she seems to like whatever I have in there. Honestly most of my clothes are casual, I only have five or six suits for special events and maybe two dresses.

She picks up my clean grey sweatpants and a white blank shirt, she then gets out, closing the lights of the room for me and guess where the bathroom is and goes to change. I slip more into my blanket and close my eyes finding a comfortable position. As I was about to sleep, I felt her getting into bed with me quietly to not disturb my sleep, I have a little smile about her consideration in everything she does and I fall asleep.


I wake up the next morning, thankfully it's a Saturday and I wouldn't have missed work if I overslept. I look beside me, and Ruby isn't there, was it all just a dream last night? Because it seems pretty unrealistic.

I gently get out of bed making my way to the kitchen, I hear someone humming in there. So that all isn't a dream okay. I will just try to be as comfortable as possible. "Good Morning" I say walking into the kitchen. Ruby looks up, she is sitting on a chair with a full breakfast ready on the island that overlooks the sitting room. This is the first time I notice that she is wearing my white tank top and all the tattoos on her skin are showing. They are all so beautiful and so colorful even if fail to read or completely see some of them. She smiles returning the greeting. I didn't know she can cook like what that looks yummier than dumb me who can't make pasta without burning it. I raise one eyebrow up in a silent question and she just have a big smile and nods.

We finish our breakfast in silence. That would have been less awkward if I had a pet, I think while I am drinking a cup of coffee that I made after breakfast. Maybe I should adopt one actually. Ruby talking snaps me out of my silent conversation, "You probably know everything about me, I want to get to know you too." She says casually leaning her hip on the edge of the kitchen counter, I smile at her and start talking about my boring life, "Well I work in journalism, I am a political journalist, it doesn't sound that interesting but I love my job, as you can see I live on my own, my parents died four years ago and that's what made me move here, I have a few friends that we hang out together occasionally, I spent all my middle and hight school years in the school library, only dated when I was in college, my longest realtionship is 8 months and I guess that's all I don't think I have anything else to say." I look at her and she looks like she is thinking, "Are you interested in men or women?" She asks with a little frown on her face. Well I didn't expect this question, she seems to be full of surprises but I answer anyway, "Women." I answer and taking a sip from my coffee. "Well I need to get my gaydar working now." She says joking but I look up to her shocked, well yeah I didn't expect that. "You are gay?" I asked her looking at her with wide eyes. "Now I understand why you are single, your gaydar is definitely broken if you can't even guess that I am gay." She says laughing and honestly it's true and I laugh with her nodding my head agreeing with her.

"So how is this going to work?" I ask her. It's a little while after breakfast, we are sitting down on the couch in the same position as yesterday but still more comfortable than before. "Well do you have anyone in mind that's first?" she asks, serious, looking directly at me. I shake my head, I actually don't go out that often and all the people I know are married or in a stable realtionship or living their life not looking for a realtionship at the moment. "Do you know anyone single around you in your workspace, friends of friends?" Before she can even continue with the question I shake my head again. I sound like a lonely wolf and it's sad. She frowns slightly looking at me. "Get dressed." She says suddenly standing up, taking me up with her, I look at her with a question in my face clearly visible. "Just get dressed, I will tell you later."

*Gaea: is the personification of the Earth and one of the Greek primordial deities. Gaia is the ancestral mother of all life: the primal Mother Earth goddess.

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