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I don't know how we ended up both here, she seems to know her way around even if she doesn't live here.  That's a question to ask her. Ruby took me to a coffee shop near by, maybe her plan is to put me a little on display as I have no one around me I can have a realtionship with. So she took the chance to get me out of my apartment.

She took my ripped jeans with a black shirt and a denim jacket, while I wore my black jeans and a baby blue shirt, that she insisted on. I don't know why but I didn't complain, she seems to know about fashion too so that's added to my list of questions. She is sitting opposite to me on this little table in the corner, and she is looking at everyone throw the sunglasses that she borrowed from me, as she called them, 'spying for you, reasons', which doesn't make her look like a creep watching everyone around. I stare at her while she is doing what she is doing, this the first time I notice that she has such a perfect face, her eyebrows are full and perfectly shaped, her face structure is like a painting on a canvas, and her rosy pink lips are full, she looks amazing. She could easily be a model here and I bet a lot of people would throw themselves on her wanting at least a kiss from her even I would want that. Wait what the hell am I thinking? Are stars aloud to have a realtionship with humans even? If 2 stars had their love forbidden because they were on two different sides then what about a human and a star each from a different world? I should drop this it's too much thinking and it's still early in the morning.

"Her." Ruby suddenly said pointing secretly behind me, I go to turn around to see her but she grabs my hand making me look at her instead, "That will be creepy." I look at her waiting for a better way. "You see she is going to order something, after the 2 people in front of her, probably a coffee you are going to get up and ask her if you can pay for her drink when she orders and then order something and go sit on a table, open a conversation about anything compliment her red shirt, says it means passion and courage, conversation will flow." Okay damn that's a lot, "All of that for a date?" I ask and she laughs. "Look back now" She orders and I do as she said, Ruby has pointed at a women with shoulder length brown hair, tanned skin, she has perfect curves all around and she is wearing a red shirt as Ruby said, she has a tattoo poking out of her short sleeve on her shoulder that's facing us, she is wearing denim short shorts with a flannel tied around her waist. Her sneakers are black with matching socks. I can't really see her face because she is looking down on her phone so her hair is covering it.

"So her?" I whisper to Ruby a little held back because my dumb ass will probably turn this interaction awkward.

One person moves from the front so, she is nearing the cashier and now I need to prepare myself. I don't think I can do it. I look at Ruby hesitant and she just stands up and pulls me up and push me to the line as if we are kids. I couldn't help laughing a little at her way of telling me to go. I stand behind the unknown girl waiting for the person in the front to move so she can start ordering and we can get over with this. The longer it takes the more I am getting anxious and probably I will start shaking soon. I look at Ruby and she puts up two thumbs up and tells me with her hand to focus.

What could possibly go wrong? A lot actually.

The last person moves from in front of the mysterious girl. And I take a deep breath trying to calm myself. Fuck who gets awkward about paying for a stranger their drink? Probably everyone I need to calm down. The girl starts ordering and I listen carefully trying to look like a creep. "One cappuccino and a chocolate muffin, please." She seems nice. The cashier asks her something about the cappuccino and she responds. I find myself talking then before the cashier finishs the order, "Add a chocolate donut on that and I will pay." The cashier nods and the girls looks at me with a shocked look. I smile sweetly and pay. I then try to do what Ruby told me and stop being nervous. "I like your shirt, red actually means passion and courage." I say taking our stuff from the waiter and giving her her cappuccino with a smile which she returns. Seems that I am doing well. She thanked me taking the coffee from my hand. I gesture with my hand for her to pick a table and she starts walking and I follow behind her. I look at Ruby and smile while she makes a little victory dance making sure she didn't get noticed which makes me smile. I focus back on the mysterious women that I still don't know the name of. She picks a table and sits down and I sit opposite to her. And as Ruby said conversation does flow and we started about the colors, mid conversation we got each other's names, hers is Skylar. We talked till she had to go and we exchanged numbers. Ruby was still sitting down on the table we first sat when we got here and she was holding a book in her hand. I clear my throat to grab her attention and she looks up at me and her eyes glow. "How did it go?" she asks excited and I just laugh and nod my head saying it was good.

Well I don't need to tell her but I felt kinda uncomfortable like I shouldn't be leaving Ruby and going to sit with that mysterious lady but it was just probably the guilt of leaving her doing nothing, but she did find something to do so why am I still worrying?

Ruby puts her arm around my shoulder, and walks us out of the coffee shop, while she keeps asking about the "date" stuff.

When we got back home, I forced Ruby to watch a movie with me, it was a romantic movie and she just kept complaining about how most of what is happening never happens and everytime I give her a light punch on the shoulder for it. We finish the movie next to her complains but she did like the ending she made sure of telling me sarcastically the ending in fifty two different voices to make sure of it.

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