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jisung sat at his station, wondering what he was going to do while he waited for sonic to open.
he looked out by the counter, seeing mark and donghyuck heavily engaged in conversation. he noticed that chenle was across from them, also engaged in conversation.

he saw donghyuck slump against mark, causing chenle to wiggle his eyebrows at the two. soon after, mark and donghyuck were standing far away from eacb other, chenle just laughing it off.

as jisung watched from afar, he admired how they all got along. he wanted that too. he wanted to be able to walk up to them and just talk. but he was still fairly new. he didn't know if it was too early to squeeze himself in.  he didn't even know if they wanted him to join in conversation.

he tried not to watch any longer, but seeing chenle smile at something mark had said... he couldn't keep his eyes away. seeing his eyes crinkle as he grinned... jisung couldn't help but smile with him.

chenle happened to look away for a second, near the drive thru. he remembered that jisung had gone in there not too long ago, and wondered how he was doing.
he was a new employee, after all.
and so, he thought it would be good to check on him.

jisung then saw chenle look his way, and he felt his stomach drop. his ears grew hot as he hid himself away from eyeshot. he tried to find something at his station to do in order to forget that chenle just caught him staring at them. but even if he was finding things to keep himself occupied, he couldn't calm down his racing heart.

"hey, newbie,"

he practically jumped from how startled he was. not too far from him was chenle, leaning his side against the wall.

"i-i wasn't stalking you guys!" he tried to defend himself. "i swear–"

"hey, it's fine," he insisted. "don't sweat it."

jisung wasn't sure what to say in response to that. and he didn't know why chenle was still standing there.
in his flustered and awestruck state, jisung wondered why chenle approached him in the first place. if it wasn't to clown him for staring at their group, then what was it?

chenle decided to finally talk in order to fill in the void of silence.
"so how you liking it here, so far?" he asked.
"i know it's not glamorous but..."

"no, i'm liking it here.." jisung responded almost immensely.
"doyoung actually asked the same thing last week..."

"ugh, i sounded like him?" he asked with a frown.

"oh? um, not really, but... do you not like him either?"
he asked.

"no, that's just donghyuck."

jisung remembered how donghyuck felt about him the first day he met the boy, and he couldn't help but find his dislike towards him so amusing.

the two looked over at said boy, who was listening to whatever mark was telling him.

"gosh, they're so cute it's disgusting..." chenle muttered, still clear enough for jisung to catch it.

"are they, uh... a thing?"
jisung asked , not really sure if he should be asking this question in the first place.

"what? no, they're not," he answered. "they used to, though."

"wait, really?"

"yeah, but.." he looked back at jisung. "that story can be for another day."

"ah, okay..."
he then remembered the car that picked up chenle the other day. he thought about bringing it up to chenle. he thought maybe it would  help clear his curiosity.
so, he did.

"hey, um... the other night–"

"ay, chenle! get out here we need you!"

well... he tried to ask him.

"well, see ya soon, jisung!" he said with a warm smile, before heading out with his skates.

jisung heaved a sigh and he adjusted his headset, getting ready for opening... which wasn't so far from now.


hey sorry for not updating in a while but i'm back and i'll try to be more consistent w this

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