Chapter 2

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It took us about four hours to get where we wanted to be.

The place was amazing. the plam trees where tall and had a gorgeous green colour, the beach had crystal clear water and the warmest, softest sand in the world.

I felt something nudge my shoulder, it was my mum "i told you it wasent bad"

I laughed.

"There it is" my mum said pointing down the road. My jaw dropped.

I have never seen a house that big in my life. Well unless its on telly.

I got so caught up with staring at the house i dident realise the boy skateboarding in front of me. I took about two more steps and bang we crashed.

He dident go anywhere he fell back and manage to get his balance on his feet. Whereas me, well that was i different story i flew to the ground and smacked my head of the road but i was alright.

He helped me up and said sorry but i couldent see his face cause he had his head down and his hood up.

"Are you embarrassed?" I laughed

"No why"

"Well i cant see your face"

"I dont want you too" he said turning away.

I ran after him and spun him around, his head was still down. "Listen buddie im am pretty sure i have every right in the world to see what you look like since you just hit me with your skate board"

He dident say anything he just slowly lifted up his head. when i finaly saw his face our eyes just snapped in contact and my eyes got bigger.

It was cameron Boyce, Cameron Boyce just hit me with his skate board. he was staring at me for like a minuet then stoped.

"I know who you are" i laughed

"Well dont say anything while im here"

"Im 15 not 5 im not gonna start crying and screaming your name asking you to sign my boobs"

He laughed. it made me smile cause i liked it

"Anyway i gotta get going we are staying at my mums friends house tonight down that way" i pointed down the road.

I started walking away till i heard him shout wait so i turned around.

"I live down that way to so let me get your number and mabey we could meet up one day"

I gave him his number and walked away, i couldent see my mum so she must have gone to the house already.

Summer of my life with cameron BoyceWhere stories live. Discover now