Chapter 3

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I was so bored today so i decided to go out on my skate bored. I put on my hoodie cause i couldent be bothered with fans today. i just wanted to be my self cause my mums friend is staying with us all summer and she has a daughter my age but shes probably some freak.

I skated just up the road from my house and i saw a girl, i couldent see her face but she had long blond hair and tanned skin.

Because i am famous i know basically every girl thats near my age around here but i dident recognise her at all.

I noticed i was staring at her so i decided to skate about 10 foot in front of her to try and see her face.

I started skating and heard some one shout "oi" behind me so i turned around to see who it was but i couldent see.

As i went to turn back to the girl i hit some thing.

I fell back but managed to stay on my feet. then i saw the girl laying on the floor. i panicked and quickly helped her up and said sorry.

I kept my head down cause i dident want her to notice who i was and start screaming and i wa too close to see what she looked like or she would see me.

She was asking me why i wouldent show her my face. i wanted to cause i wanted to see her but i couldn't deal with fans today.

I decided to just walk away but she grabbed me and said she deserved to see what i looked like cause i hit her and she sounded very serious.

I dident want to argue so i just lifted my head. my heart sank and my stomach was filled with wild butterfly's she had to be the most beautiful girl ive ever seen in my life. our eyes were locked and i wanted to be romantic and kiss her but obviously that would be wired since i only met her a second ago by making her face plant the floor.

I realised that she could see me and she knew who i was so told her not to say any thing and she dident she told me she was my age and she wasent a screaming person about famous people and i loved it.

After that she pointed to where she was staying and she pointed to my house but she probably ment one around the corner cause im not that lucky.

She started walking away but i dident want to let her go to asked for her number and told her to put her name on it too.

She folded up the piece of paper and gave it to me then walked away. she was flawless.

I quickly opened the piece of paper and it read "mystery girl" with her number. I smiled and quickly text her

"Thats not your name :)"

She replied quite quickly

"If i told you then you might have started screaming my name out telling me to sign your boobs"

I laughed.

"Hey im a boy i dont have boobs you meany" i replied

"Okay then you have moobs"

"There bigger than yours" i chuckled as i sent her the text

"OMG stop flirting with me cameron Boyce"

"Is it obvious? <3" i sent the text and headed on home. its way to hot to be out in this heat.

Summer of my life with cameron BoyceWhere stories live. Discover now