chapter 6

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my mouth droped open. how did he know my name? i dident want to ask him any questions cause i was embbarressed

and then i remembered.

"holy shit" i accidently said out loud.

my mum told me they had a son called cameron and when i bumbed into cameron up the road he said he lived down this why. how could i be so stupid i sould have noticed. i decided to text him.

" if your the one across the hall why did you make a bit scene about talking to me earlier."

my phone went off almost straight away

" because i thought you was a diffrent girl and after meeting you today i dident want to talk to any other girls"

"well i find that hard to believe so come over to my room and say sorry for hurting me"

in about five seconds ... literaly ... i heard a knock at my door. it was him.

"come in"

he opened the door just enough to fit his head in. "im so sorry about the argument with my mum, you probably over heard its just i met an icredibley beautiful girl earlier and i dident want to talk to any other girls because i dident want to get the picture of her out of my head." he smiled and it was a beautiful smile "any way its hurting me leaning in the door like this so can come in properly please" he laughed

"i dident say you couldent come in properly in the first place" i giggled.

"oh" he laughed again then opened the door properly, he was wearing a white t-shirt with some really nice sort of skinny jean that were a light denim color. He walked over to my bed and down as he looked up at me our eyes connected again and the butterfly's attacked my stomach. No boy has ever given me butterfly's but its probably because he is famous either way i like the feeling. After a couple of minuets he finally breaks the silence. "Nice to meet you my names cameron" he laughs and puts his hand out for me to shake it. I grab his hand and shake it, " hey im Lola" i laughed with him.

I let go of his hand. I dident want to cause the connection was suprising but he probably dident feel it. It went silent again.

"Are you in the mood to come out with me tonight now." He smiled and felt his fingers touch the tip of mine. I moved my hand away cause i dident want to make it awkward. Did he just ask me out on a date? i dident actualy know what to say so i just nodded.

"Great, I'm not telling you where we are going though"

"Why not" i laugh

"Because I'm not but dont dress up cause its not a date" he says with a serious face.

"Oh okay" i put on my best fake smile and he walks out of the room closing the door quietly behind him.

I dont know why i would think that he asked me on a date. Its cameron Boyce for god sake how could i be stupid enough to think this. I laughed at my self accidentally out loud. I dont know what I'm going to wear, I dont want to bet to dressed up but i also dont want to be to trashy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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