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Two days had past from the event and el still hadn't spoken to mike.Oh god how much she missed him!These days had passed so slowly and she was getting so bored."I have to do something,that can't go anymore"she said to herself.She went to the phone and called him.
"El,hi sweety this is Karen,mike isn't here.He have just gone out"
"Where did he go??"she asked worriedly
"I think at the mall with the other kids"
"Oh."el said kind of pissed "okey thank you miss wheeler,goodbye!"
"Bye honey"
El hung up and run to her room and got dressed.Then she headed outside and started for the mall.So many things were going through her mind while she was walking;why hasn't him called her,was he with a girl...or even worse maybe with max,what was he doing there with the others,or did he even wanted to see her.She couldn't think of that so she kept walking trying not to think about it.When she finally arrived she went inside and started looking for them.Eventually she saw them all together sitting at a bench....but wait he was sitting next to max....and they were laughing?At the moment she couldn't be more mad or confused.
"Hey guys!"
"El,what are you doing here!"mike said smiling and hugging her
"I missed you....and i wanted to apologize for my behavor the other day"she said with sad eyes
"You shouldn't be,i get it it was just your bad time"
"Yeah....and max i want to talk to you."she said firmly
Max wided her eyes in confusion and scared
"M-me?"she asked with trembling voice
"Yes with you.Now"el said emotionless
Mike was terrified and nervous for what was going to happen as he was watching the two girls getting away

"Dude do you think she's going to kill her???"lucas said with a scared look on his face
"Don't be silly she wouldn't do that...i think"
The two girls were walking until they reached the fountain outside the mall
"Look we have to talk"
"Yeah sure..."max said still afraid for her life
"I can't use my powers when I'm on my period so you can stop looking at me like I'm your killer or something"
"For real!?"
"Thank god-i mean that's such a shame..."
"Yeah yeah whatever i know you are afraid of me and you should be"
"El listen I'm not here to argue with you,i had enough of this..."
"No el let me finish!"
"Okey I'm all ears"
"I don't LIKE mike you know that,you also know that I'm with LUCAS and you also know I'm NOT your enemy....i want to be friends with you,like you know....we could be girlfriends.Telling each other our personal stuff and you know have our girly conversations.I know you need a friend as much i do and admit that you can't have the best conversations with boys"she said winking at her.
El smiled a bit but immediately forced it back
"And how can i trust you?"
"It's a promise.It's going to be OUR little promise.Deal?"the red head lifted a hand in front of her
"Deal"el finally said shaking her hand
"Thank lord you FINALLY agreed with me"
"Yeah you were right i'd like a 'girlfriend'"she chackled
The two girls smiled at each other and started back their way to where the boys were.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 {𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧} ✓Where stories live. Discover now