You can trust us

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El was inside the wheeler's car with Karen who was taking her home because Hop had to work late.Most of the drive had been silent..... awkward silence and El's mind couldn't stop thinking of all the consequences of what happened earlier will.She was so embarrassed that she wished to crowl in a hole and just never come out.Karen hadn't let her goodbye Mike and that was the cherry on top of all.

When she couldn't take anymore the silence she decided that she at least had to speak what happened out.

"Ms Karen..."she said nervously

"Yes El"

"Uhmm about what happened yesterday..."

"No El you don't have to say anything about that."Karen said without taking her eyes of the road

"But I-I have to explain"

Karen didn't answered and kept silent so El continued

"Please don't be mad at us"

"I'm not mad at YOU I'm mad at Mike!"she kinda yelled

"What?Why!?I mean he didn't force me or anything and you know very well we are teenagers.Like what did you except!?Just kiss on the cheek and hold hands?Ms Wheeler we didn't do something that was unexpected for our age and we would never cross the line!"El answered her,a bit of rage in her words now.

"So please don't over react.What you did earlier it was pretty mean with all the due respect"she took another deep breath to continue
"If you tell my dad.... I'm not going to see Mike for months and he's probably going to kill seriously kill him.I just want you to know that we are not going to do more mature "things" until it's our time and I want you to trust trust us."she finished softly

Karen all this time was listening in shock at her sudden come back.She knew she over reacted and El was right.She could trust them...right?She kept silent for some more minutes thinking about everything El had just said.

"Okey"she simply answered


"You are right.I over reacted.I shouldn't of acted that way.I'm sorry"she let a sad sigh

El hadn't moved at all,she was just sat there in shock.

"I trust you."

"Thank you"El smiled

"And what happened earlier.... you're right let's not tell hopper"she chuckled and couldn't be happier

"Thank god!"she said with relief

They arrived at El's house and as expected Hop was not there yet.She goodnight her and went inside finally relieved.She changed into her pjs and driefted off asleep.


The next morning El was awaken by her walkie-talkie.

"El?Are you there?"It was her redhaired friend Max.

"Yeah yeah I'm right here"she said with a yawn

"Did you just woke up?"


"El it's like 12!What time did you fall asleep last night?!"she laughed

"Well I fell asleep pretty early last night but I had a pretty tiring day yesterday"

"Ooooooh did Mike tired you again????"she said and you could definitely say she was smirking

"Eww Max why do you have to always be that disgusting!?"

"That's what I do hun"she chuckled

"Whatever"El scoffed"what sid you want?"

"We're going at the pool with the bous.Are you coming?"

"Ahmmm I'm not so sure..."

"Ohh come on it'll be fun!"she squeled

"Ugh fine but you know I don't have any swimsuit to wear,right?"

"Oh I can give one of mine.I'm sure it'll suit you"

"Okey I'll meet you there in 20 minutes"

"See ya ther babygirl"she said went off

El sighed and started getting ready.It was going to be a long day and she was sure about that.


Hehe I know I'm the worst person ever but I guess you'll have to wait until next charpter to see what will happen.But good thing is she cleared the things out with Karen so they won't have to worry about that anymore.

I know we are kinda late but the thing is that I didn't have the time to write and I'm so sorry about that

Next few charpters are going to be the last ones and I'm sooo sad that I believe I'll most likely cry when it's all over😭

We love you all so much and we are soo glad for all of you guys that put up with our bad writing throughout the book

Alsoo pls let us know if you think that we should do a sequel bc Iro thinks people won't read it😕

See ya soon

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 {𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧} ✓Where stories live. Discover now