I want you here

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Mike's eyes were red from the non-stop crying.He didn't seem to stop any soon either.

"Swetty you have to stop crying it isn't good for yourself!'Karen finally told him

"So???I deserve it.I deserve hurting as I hurt El"

"Mike we talked about that,it wasn't your fault AND El is now awake so what the reason for still crying.You should be already there by her side"

"No mom,you don't understand.She CAN'T MOVE AND SPEAK.That is not good at all.Also who told you she wants to see me....she probably hate me"mike said sniffling

"Mike-"She didn't get to complete her sentence because of the phone ringing

"Hello?Oh hi chief"Mike widded his eyes at the name and immidiatly stopped

"Yeah of course Mike will be there in 20 minutes"

"What!?"Mike screamed whispered

"Okey chief....yes I'll tell him don't worry.Bye!"Karen hung up

"Go get dressed and meet me in 5 minutes in the car"


"Now."Karen commanted

Mike obeyed and ran in his room.He started going through all the clothes of his closet to find something to wear.He picked a randon set and quickly changed into it.He went down the stairs almost flying across 3 or 5 steps every time.He got into the car and Karen started for the hospital
"Eleven wants to see you"
"Wh-what"Mike said with trembling voice
"She wants to see you....she misses you"
Mike stayed quite for the entire drive, his thoughts hitting his head one by one.When they arrived Mike got out of the car before even Karen stopped.He ran in the hospital and asked a nurse for El's room.
"Number 353 second floor"the nurse answered him.He eagerly went through the first floor and then the second until he arrived in front of the door with the number 353.He took a deep breath and knocked.Hopper opened the door and lead him at El's bed.
"Oh my god El!"he said bursting into tears
"I'll go now and leave you guys alone" and after that he went out and closed the door
"El I'm so so soo sorry for everything that happened this week have been the worst of my entire life yet.You can't imagine how much guilt I'm feeling.That bitch is responsible for everything!But I should have pushed her right away....I missed you so much-so fucking much you don't have any idea.I am the worst boyfri-"
"Mike don't say another word"El finally whispered to him
"You're right SHE is responsible for everything so you don't have to apologize"
"But El I could-"
"No mike it doesn't matter.What matters is that you are here now"
"El I would have come earlier but I thought you hated me and that you didn't want me with you-"
"Mike!I said shut up.I want you here.If you are here I don't need anyone else.And I know we're going to go through it and I promise that I won't let anyone or anything tear us apart....ever"
And with that Mike couldn't take it anymore.He sat beside her and hold her hand
"El I love you"he said with a soft smile
"I love you too Mike"she said smiling back.Mike went closer to her face and whisperes to her "can I kiss you my mage?"
"Always my paladin"
Hey guys sorry for the late update but school has been really tough.Also I think this is our first writer's note in this book.Seriously we are soo happy for all the people that reads our story and it means a lot to us....yes I say us because we are two girls that actually write this book -Ashmina and Irw- and we are from Greece so we are very sorry if our english sucks but we are trying our best.Feel free to tell us what you thing about the story too by commenting and dm us.
See you guys soon♡

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