after hours (sr)

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warning: contains light sexual content and mentions of alcohol.

spencer clocked out of work at almost ten that evening. he checked his phone to see a text message from y/n. 

come see me at work tonight. you've been stressed and i miss you. ❤️

he smiled and sent a quick reply back saying that he's on his way. he fumbled with his car keys as he left the parking lot, putting in the address of her workplace. even though spencer's a genius, this is the one thing that he can never remember.

he pulled up to the already packed building and stepped out of the car. spencer ran a hand through his hair and began to head in, shivering at the slight breeze that came along in mid january.

loud music filled his ears as he shuffled through the crowd to find a seat. alcohol and mixed drinks flooded his nostrils from the highly popular bar. spencer sat down in the place where he always sits so he could have a perfect view of y/n, and a place to drink. he saw her talking to one of her co-workers and he smiled at her attire. y/n made a quick glance in spencer's direction and told her friend that she had to go. once she made her way over to spencer, she sat down on a stool and placed a hand on his that was sat on the bar. "hi" she smiled. "hi" he chuckled tiredly. he brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of her hand, almost touching the wedding band that was wrapped around her finger. y/n smiled again, and scooted closer to him so that they could hear each other better. "how was work?" she asked him, noticing how stressed he looked. he shrugged lightly, "it was alright. my brain has just not been properly on track." she frowned and nodded. "well, i told you to come here for a reason. and just like always, i make you feel so much better. right?" she teased placing a kiss on his lips. "right." he agreed once they pulled away. y/n took a glance at spencer's watch, "i gotta go, see you in a bit okay? love you." she pecked his lips again and smoothed a hand over his cheek. "love you." he muttered, watching her pull away and head back behind a door.

spencer turned back towards the bar and waited until he saw y/n again. he noticed the different types of drinks lined up on the glass shelves. he called for a bartender and told him to start him off with shots in the time being. once spencer downed his first three, a familiar song started to pick up, as well as the lights dimming and a few smaller stages lighting up with women as they do their own dances for the crowd. but the only thing that spencer could keep his eye on was y/n's stage, and he waited.

*play song*

y/n walked out of the dressing rooms and onto the stage slowly and seductively, unnoticeably trying to find spencer from where she was. not that many people were watching her number, but she knew that they would in a minute or two. the song started to pick up with the bass and y/n began to rub her hands along the front of her body, biting her lips and getting into the mood of the music. she climbed the pole and started to grind her body against it. once the chorus picked up, she started to crawl on the stage as a part of the act. she found spencer in a matter of seconds and began to crawl in his direction. she synced the lyrics and stared directly at him as she got closer. he bit down on his lip and downed another round of his shots, already feeling tipsy.

spencer watched y/n rub and grind herself against the pole, only imagining that that was him. he smiled as he watched her crawl in his direction. the lights now flashing and the music blaring, only making the moment even better. he threw back another round of shots, already feeling better than he was an hour ago.

y/n touched her body in ways she could only imagine spencer doing as she was on stage. that's what she would always do. even through the shouting and wanting stares from any of the other men or women from the club, she only thought of spencer. he's told her that he doesn't mind, even though she knows that he has a possessive side. her mind returned to the loud music as it was nearing its end. she climbed high on the pole, exposing herself to all who were watching, smiling as she was reminded that spencer was getting a kick out of this. the song ended and y/n made her way off stage, accepting the hollering and whistles from the crowd. more music picked up and she headed back to the dressing room, ready to head home.

spencer was drunk and needy. after watching y/n's little performance, he wanted nothing more to feel her warmth against his body. he called the bartender again for another shot or two, but the man behind the counter told spencer that he had been cut off at a certain amount. spencer furrowed his eyebrows and took out his wallet. "i-i hope you know, that i happen t-to be a federal agent, i n-not gonna ask you again sir-" a hand was placed on spencer's mouth, hushing him. "i'm sorry, cole. don't mind him." y/n shook her head and removed her hand, watching spencer's eyes light up at who was standing next to him. "i'll see you next weekend, y/n. goodnight." "night." she waved and dragged spencer out to his car. she unlocked the car and was about to put spencer in the passenger seat before she was pushed up against it.

spencer's hands roamed her body and she dropped the keys on top of the car, wrapping her hands around his neck. he lifted her legs up and around his waist and pushed himself flush against her clothed core. y/n pulled away and laughed, "spence, babe. wait until we get home. you're drunk and i would hate to see you try to fuck me against your volkswagen." "wanna bet?" he questioned lowly. she snorted and got off of him, opening the door and pushing him inside. she climbed in the driver's seat, adjusted, and began to back out onto the street. "when we get home lover boy, i promise." she pecked his lips and put it in drive. he smiled and leaned the seat back, placing a hand on her thigh.

by the time they got home, spencer had fallen asleep in the passenger's seat. y/n cursed to herself and began to drag spencer inside carefully. she set him on the couch and he stirred before he fell back asleep. y/n smiled at her fiancé and changed into her pjs, laying down beside him, eventually falling asleep herself.

1201 words ; lovelygubler

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