fourteen (sr)

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warning: strong mentions of blood and knifes.
also strong sexual content.

text that is written in "italics" is the representation of spencer's flashback. i've seen a LOT of confused feedback, and i should've made it clear sooner.
apologies, enjoy!!

p.s. spencer sees himself as a vigilante.
taking out people for what he views as  
"unjustified punishment"
....and it's an adrenaline rush 👍


spencer swiped his hair away from his sweaty forehead and unlocked the front door to his and y/n's apartment. "spence?" the girl's voice echoed throughout the room. "it's me. don't worry!" he shouted back. closing the door he sat on the nearest chair to remove his shoes. as he undid the laces, a pair of legs came into his view. he looked up at a tired y/n standing in front of him. only wearing what looks to be a sweater of his. spencer tried to push the thought of whether or not bare, soft flesh awaits him underneath.

"you're late.." she frowned, cupping the side of his stubbled face in her hand. spencer sighed and kissed the palm of her hand, standing up to embrace her. "hon.. you know how work can get sometimes-"
"i-i know, but you know how i can get sometimes too.." she sighed out, cutting him off. he pulled away and smiled at her, bending down to her level to press a gentle kiss against her lips. "let me make it up to you.." the words ghosted over her lips. y/n stared at him for a few moments, allowing herself to then give in and pull him down by the back of his neck for another kiss.

spencer grabbed her waist tightly, pulling them close together hastily. she whined softly as he bit the flesh of her lip. still locked together, spencer picked her up by the backs of her thighs and pushed her up against the nearest bookshelf. y/n grunted as her head thudded against the wood and wrapped her legs around his waist. the familiar high came creeping back into spencer's veins as he rolled his hips into hers. he gripped her body with a flaming desire to take control all over again. he pulled back for air and began to remove his sweater from her body. when he did get it off, it didn't come as a surprise to him seeing not a undergarment in sight. she smirked, pressing her breasts into him. spencer mouthed like a man starved, appreciating the beauty before him.

spencer soon carried her towards their bathroom, stumbling into walls and door frames on the way. he sat y/n on the sink so that he could turn on the shower. she began to remove his clothing piece by piece. "..look at you" he groaned in awe, viewing as she sat nude on the surface, equally as desperate. his suit jacked was first to go, followed by that damned white collar that he never fully buttoned. she then helped him get out of his slacks and briefs. "hurry up, spence." y/n moaned impatiently. spencer lifted her from her thighs again as he shoved y/n up against another wall, roaming his hands all over her wet body. y/n pushed spencer's wet hair out of his eyes as he continued his assault on her chest.

[ ' w-what are you doing.. PLEASE DON'Tspencer restrained the culprit on a leaning table. ]

spencer groaned, leaving another crescent shape against y/n's neck as his mind retreated to thoughts of what occurred before he arrived home.

[ 'PLEASE.. I HAVE A FAMILY.. don't you have a family??' the person questioned as spencer tied the restraints tighter against their wrists that stayed above their head. ]

spencer gripped y/n's wrists and pinned them above her. "keep them there, got it?" he demanded, his voice strained with lust, adrenaline on high. y/n only moaned softly and nodded. spencer resumed, removing the grip on her hands to spread her heat open. "spencer please.." y/n moaned out, raking her hands through his hair.

[ 'please don't do this.. i'm sorry, j-just let me go..' they sobbed. ]

spencer grunted, moving the hand from her core to jaw, "use your words, hon.." she opened her eyes and caught her breath before muttering "i want you to hurt me." spencer's blood pumped through his veins and he aligned himself at her entrance. both groaning as he fully hilted himself into her. spencer made sure that her legs were secure around his waist before he wrapped his hands around her neck, squeezing as she threw her head back.

[ spencer squeezed his hands tight around their neck and gritted his teeth as he talked. 'shut up. SHUT UP! do you have any idea what you did?? you got AWAY with assault on FOUR young minors as a teacher. they were basically BABIES. how INSENSITIVE must you be?' ]

spencer's head falling forward as he pumped into her at a rational pace, speechless at the way her cunt deliciously takes him. spencer looked back up at y/n and watched her gasp and struggle to breathe against his hands. this sight appealing to him, and only fueled his release on.

they struggled to breathe and clawed at him. leaving red scratches on his arms, trying to pry spencer away from them with all their might.

y/n let out a strangled moan and dug her nails deep into spencer's back. "mmm," a choked groan left his lips, squeezing his eyes shut, he pleaded for more harsh marks. the heat intensity from the shower along with the large hands around y/n's throat only heightened the buzzed dizziness she felt. "spence"and "please" being the only words in her vocabulary. once she began to see stars, she tapped the back of his cheek twice. he gently released his hands from around her throat and held onto her thighs once again, scratching them while stretching her out farther. her pleas started merging together,
"fuck yesyesyes" "fucking christ spencer" please don't stop..."

spencer pulled away and grabbed his knife, holding it up against the criminals neck carefully before creating a deep slice across their skin. they let out a painful scream and begged for mercy.

spencer's cock twitched at said pleas. giving him the go ahead to thrust deeper, harder into her core. "so good jus-st like this, yeah? so.. s-such a perfect cunt" y/n knew he was close, stuttered groans and praise matching hers. she shifted her legs so that her calves were resting on his shoulder, his cock grazing a new found angle deliciously. spencer's breathing was heaved and ragged. he slid one of his hands that now held her ass closer so that his thumb could circle her clit perfectly, "come on hon.. scream for me."

spencer took the knife and walked behind them. he wrapped his hand around their bleeding neck and then grabbed their chin, tugging it up towards his face.

not even thirty seconds passed before y/n was griping his forearms and moaning almost pornographically, feeling the tight knot of her arousal finally unravel. spencer didn't stop, only letting himself further chase his own once her cunt fluttered around him.

he took the blade and plunged it hard through the culprit's neck. watching as the life slowly left their eyes. dropping the knife, spencer caught his breath. he watched the blood come up from their mouth and run down the sides of their tear stained cheeks. spencer removed his gloves and burned them along with his clothes, putting on fresh ones. he made sure that there was absolutely no evidence at his new crime scene.

"oh y/n jesus...fuck.." spencer strained as his brutal thrusts reached to a slow stop, his stomach tightened and hips twitched against her as he hit his peak.

spencer looked at the criminal's now pale body once more. thinking if he should've committed this.. or the last one.. or the one before that. he shook his head and pressed the palm of his hand against his eye, a headache from his guilty conscience screaming at him. this night, spencer targeted a predator for unbelievably getting let off easy on the trial of what they did to the youth recently. it left spencer furious, just as the other victims did. spencer left the scene without any trace of him. adding another tally to his justice, 14.

he headed home to meet his more than likely upset awaiting girlfriend for his arrival.

1427 words ; lovelygubler
updated: 04/02/2023

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