oblivious (s.r)

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prompt request chapter that i'm taking my own interpretation of!! <3

warnings: possible strong language, none

(pretty sure that derek looked like this "🤨" the whole time)


for once, quantico was peaceful. excusing the fact that the main purpose of the building itself is to house the jobs of criminal investigation. besides the chatter among the building, the occasional news broadcasts that played on the televisions, or the current bickering between prentiss and morgan, it was peaceful.

"i'm telling you, emily... Scream is still the best slasher film out of any of them." morgan claimed while sitting on the edge of prentiss' desk. the raven haired agent scoffed, finishing off her coffee for the morning and tossing it into the garbage bin. "no way. Halloween has literally been said to be one of the best horror movies of all time. Scream isn't even scary." she stated while raising her brows at him. morgan smiled, "well the only thing that's 'scarier' than Halloween is your yearbook photo." he put up finger quotes when comparing the film to that one hairstyle that did emily awfully wrong in high school. prentiss rose from her desk and began to argue against morgan's remark before hotch walked into the buerau. silence fell among the two agents when their team lead stared upon the both of them with disapproval.

"got a new one," hotch raised up the manila folder and started to make his way into the round table room, "also morgan," hotch stopped halfway to the door before turning around, "emily's right." hotch smirked and walked into the room. the two agents once again began bickering while following their lead to the room.

meanwhile, dr. spencer reid had himself lazily propped up against his own desk by his elbow.  he had completely dozed off while tuning out his fellow agents' conversation. luckily, garcia had been heading to the briefing room herself when she noticed her curly haired friend snoozing. she walked towards spencer with caution, trying not to startle him too much in his slumber.

"hey pretty boy," garcia had picked up on using the nickname given to spencer from morgan, "you alright?" she gently shook him. spencer opened his eyes and looked around confused, "where did everyone go..?" he groggily questioned. garcia shook her head and glanced towards the briefing room, seeing how the other agents were just chatting casually, waiting on their arrival. she took it upon herself to sit down next to him for the few minutes they had before someone would come calling for them.

"how's y/n doing?" garcia half whispered, knowing damn well that she had been the only person spencer had talked to about his personal life. spencer stretched out his arms and nodded, "she's doing better. had some trouble sleeping last night due to back pain, but other than that, everything's great." he yawned out the latter part of his sentence. garcia rolled her eyes knowingly, "no wonder you're so tired!" she smiled, standing up and pulling him up with her, "come on, reid. maybe you can sleep some on the flight." he shrugged and followed her into the round table room.

towards the end of the rundown for the murder file from hotch, spencer's phone continuously buzzed in the span of a few minutes, only receiving a glance from garcia, and a smirk from morgan across the table. "wheels up in 20." hotch stated, gathering his file and heading out of the room with garcia leaving as well. jj, prentiss, morgan and spencer stood up and began to gather their things before morgan decided to speak up, "hey pretty boy," spencer looked up from zipping his cross bag towards his direction, "you got some babes blowing up your phone?" morgan questioned, slinging his bag across his back. spencer only shook his head and smiled lightly himself, "not exactly," he trailed off while walking out of the room, leaving morgan confused as well as jj and prentiss from spencer's newfound confidence. the three agents gave a glance to each other before high stepping it out of the room to follow spencer in his tracks, garcia closely behind them.

"what do you mean 'not exactly?'" prentiss smiled after catching up to walk by spencer's side. spencer once again shook his head, having no suspicious response this time. morgan quickly caught up and stopped spencer from walking towards the elevator by standing in front of him, "hold on now reid, is there something you're not telling us?" he asked while gesturing to the other agents. spencer glanced down at his shoes and shook his head while once again having that confident smirk on his face, "i have no idea what you're talking about.." he looked between the three who stood in front of him.

the elevator then dinged behind them, but no one seemed to have payed any attention until a soft voice was heard,


a smaller woman stood upset in front of the elevator doors, one hand on her growing stomach and the other holding her purse. spencer shifted his gaze from his colleagues to the figure behind them, and gently pushed past the three dumbfounded agents.

"y/n? why are you here? is everything okay?" spencer rested his hands on the woman's waist and searched her face with worry.

the couple conversated while prentiss, jj, and especially morgan stood there in absolute shock.  "'y/n??'" jj questioned, catching the attention of the couple in front of them. spencer threw back his head in slight annoyance and let out a breath, sliding his hand behind the woman's back beside him, "this is y/n, my partner." he stated, looking at their bewildered expressions. without getting a response, spencer sighed and directed his attention back to his lover, softly rubbing her side to comfort her, "spence you weren't answering any of your messages, a-and i assumed that it was because you guys got a case but i-i wanted to have some time to talk to you about the baby before you left.." spencer softly cupped her cheek while she trailed off, wringing her hands nervously due to finally meeting her lover's colleagues in such in abrupt way.

"baby??" morgan finally spoke up, stepping closer toward the two of them, "first i'm finding out that pretty boy has himself a pretty girl, and NOW that you're having a baby?" morgan's astonished expression turned into a casual smirk while he clutched spencer's shoulder, "my man!" spencer smiled sheepishly while shaking his head at his colleague in amusement. jj and prentiss hugged y/n sweetly and had chatted with her for a few moments before garcia and hotch joined the group with their travel bags in hand. "hello y/n, nice to see you again." hotch nodded towards her while garcia waved excitedly. y/n smiled tiredly at the both of them in exchange and leaned more into spencer beside her.

"reid told them before us?!" emily asked while smiling. spencer gave a slight shrug before hotch spoke up, "unfortunately, we have to talk about this later, the plane's taking off soon," hotch hit a button on the elevator before turning back to spencer and  y/n. "reid you can sit this one out, go home and get some rest, if we need you for anything we'll call you." and before spencer could retort, hotch and the other agents stepped into the elevator behind him and gave a quick wave before the elevator door's shut.

spencer sighed and turned his attention back down towards his lover and smiled, "that went well," he simply said before y/n broke out into a small fit of laughter, bringing him in close and staying like that for a few moments before speaking up, "hey, this means that you have at least another day or two off.." she trailed off looking up at him, smiling innocently.

and for the final time in that moment, spencer reid smiled and shook his head before placing a featherlight kiss to y/n's lips, and hit the parking lot level button on the elevator, heading home for the day with his very expecting lover.

1,358 words; lovelygubler

it's good to be back <3

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