V. faith, trust and pixie dust

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Chapter Five:
Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust



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     Laila Bjorgman had woken up on the wrong side of the bed that morning.

     She wasn't too sure why, but it was probably (definitely) because she had stayed up late attempting (key word: attempting) to study for her chemistry test, resulting in a restless sleep with the Periodic table haunting her dreams. And yet, Laila felt as though she knew nothing. Nada. Zilch. Bupkis.

     It was a horrible feeling.

     Laila had felt it as she went to bed last night, and again when she ate breakfast, and then again when she had opened up the test and read the first question. (In all seriousness, who the hell put Chemistry first period? Horrific).

     She blinked tiredly. Deciding that her eyes needed a break from the eye-sore that was her chemistry test, Laila glanced up. To her left was Doug, confidently scribbling down the answers, and to her right was Evie, frantically searching through her bag for something. Laila frowned, deciding that watching Evie do whatever she was doing was going to be way more exciting than doing her test.

     "Looking for something?"

     Laila looked over at the sound of Mr. Deley's voice. He was staring at Evie displeasedly, holding something in his hand. It was a mirror about the size of his palm, with a fancy gold border on the outside. Wait... was that what Evie was looking for? Laila supposed that would make sense.

     "Thank you, Chad. It's gratifying to see someone still respects the honor code."

     Chad had an all-knowing, dickish smile plastered on his face. Laila scowled. Asshole. But a brief thought crossed her mind. So... Evie and Chad aren't a thing? Hm. Interesting.

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