Date Night (Part 2)

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I had put on my favorite shirt. I adjusted it over and over again. after I got it almost right I looked at my hair and tried to fluff it and fix it so it didn't look as messy as it had just been. How was this so difficult?  Why was nothing right? 

John stop it. It was no use worrying because you weren't going to enjoy yourself. I took a deep breath and went downstairs to check the time. Still an hour left. more like 40 minutes if I was going to take a taxi. I went over to my record collection and picked up a Beatles album. I put on Let it Be. I really needed to hear that. The song always made me feel so good. I closed my eyes and listened as the song passed and another one started to play. I must have drifted to sleep  because I woke up some time later when the music had stopped. I looked at the clock. Oh no. I was supposed to be there in 10 minutes. I went out and drove my car as quick as possible over to Freddie's home. 

I walked up to the door and knocked. Freddie answered the door almost immediately. 

"John, hello dear. Come in." I walked in rubbing my hands together. 

"Freddie, I'm sorry. I feel asleep listening to the Beatles. I didn't mean to be late." He cupped my face with his hand. 

"John. You're here now and that's all that matters. Now come to the dinning room. The chef made spaghetti with cheesy garlic bread. Its like a fancy cheese on toast." I smiled. He did that for me. 

We got to the extravagant dinning room and I looked all around. The chandelier, the carpet, the centerpiece, the candles, the dining ware. All of it just like I imagined. I sat down at the seat to the right hand of the head of the table. 

"This looks fantastic. And again. Sorry about earlier. You were talking about being okay with yourself and it got me thinking. I didn't want you to see me cry." Freddie smiled the most sincere smiled I had ever seen. 

"Dear, don't worry about it. No matter what, you've got me." 

I smiled, "Brian said even if nobody else likes me I've got three people that will always love me." 

"And what else did you say to Brian?" Freddie smirked. 

"Just that I wasn't sure I liked women at all." I closed my eyes for second to compose myself. I took a bite of the garlic bread then a sip of wine. Thank goodness for alcohol. 

"Well the more Deaky for me I guess." We both laughed and continued eating. 

"I remember when we used to perform Liar and you would almost rest your chin on my shoulder. I got chills every time it happened." 

"Any chance to get closer to you."

"Well anyway, I'm glad it happened. Gave me something to look forward to other than grinding on Brian." I almost spat out my wine when he said that. 

For the next hour or so I listened to Freddie share some of his favorite stories of us and the band. Some I had never heard before. 

After we had both finished dinner we went to the lounge and sat on the sofa. 

"I've been dying to ask you this all night John, can I kiss you?" 

"Yes, I was going to ask you too but I was to shy." He smiled and leant in to kiss me. The level of amazing was still same as before. I can't believe it took so long for something to happen. 

The kiss had evolved into a make-out. I do have to say things were getting pretty heated. Suddenly I found myself straddling Freddie. I felt his hands cupping my bum and it felt pretty nice. I let a tiny moan slip from my lips. 

Freddie pulled away, "What was that?" He smirked. 

"I-I think I want to take things further." I tried kissing him again. 

"Dear. If you wan to take things it needs to be a definite yes. I can't do something to you knowing you might not want it." 

"I want to take things further." I kissed him quick. 

"Okay lets go to my room." I nodded and got up, aware of what was going on down there. Freddie smirked and took my hand leading the way. 

Once we were in the bed room he closed the door and started kissing me right away. We somehow made it to the bed without breaking the kiss. He helped me down onto the bed so he was leaning on top of me. 

He pulled away, "If you ever want to stop please let me know." I nodded eagerly and leant up to kiss him again. 

I undid hiss belt and helped pull his shirt off he did the same to me. He moved down so his face was near my crotch. I could feel my heart beat quicker. He smirked and pulled my pants and boxers out of his way. 

"You sure?" I nodded again and almost whimpered. He moved his hand slowly over my cock and before I knew it he had it all in his mouth. I let out a moan so load I was scared someone would hear it despite being in an empty house. 

"Freddie, I," I couldn't finish, but he knew what I was going to say. He stopped what he was doing and moved himself so he was sitting on the edge of the bed. 

"Come over here and show me how bad you want it." I quickly got up and got on my knees in front of him. I'm not sure but I think I must have looked like a puppy dog there in front of him. I moved his pants and boxers out of the way. I had never don't this before. 

"It's okay dear, you'll do fine." I looked up at him before placing may hand at the base of his cock and taking him in my mouth. Freddie put his hand in the back of my head and helped guide me. He pulled me up. 

"Get up there." He nodded his head towards where I was laying before. So I laid back down and he leant on top of me like before. Only this time he got a lubed up condom out of his bedside drawer and put it on. He looked at me and I nodded. He pushed himself inside of me and I can only imagine this is what ecstasy is like. I had never known pleasure like it before. The closest I got was when I experimented as a teen. 

Freddie went slow at first but his thrusts became quicker with each passing moment. And soon enough I had cum onto my chest. With one final thrust, Freddie came into the condom. He pulled out and took the condom off.

I looked over at him, still trying to catch my breath, "That. Was. Fantastic." 

He laughed, "That's the only thing I can be darling." He smiled at me before pulling the duvet over us and cuddling up to me. I leant in to kiss him. It lingered on my lips even after I pulled away. 

"Thank you Freddie. I guess its a good thing I don't have any family to get home to." 

"So you're staying the night?"

"Do you mind?" 

"I was hoping you would ask. I always wondered what it would be like to have morning sex. Maybe you'll wake up to a surprise." I laughed and smiled to him. Our eyes locked for a second before he leant his head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. 

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