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Peter tossed his keyes on the coffee table. He heard them slide off and hit the floor with a clang but he really didn't care. Because as soon as the door clicked shut Michelle Jones (usually called MJ) attacked him. 

They had been going out for a couple of months now and Peter liked nothing better in the world than the feel of her lips on his, the cute way she brushed her hair out of her eyes and how you never knew if she was joking or serious about something. He liked it more than being Spiderman. Some could say nothing was better than being a superhero, but they were wrong. 

MJ was better. 

He kissed her back as they stumbled to the couch and hands moved all over the place. They had gone to a movie and then walked out halfway through when the plot became absolutely nothing. May had been working late for the past week so Peter knew they wouldn't be interrupted. 

They kissed more, MJ kicking off her shoes and sliding her way on top of him with a girlish giggle, a sound Peter was supersede she even knew. He slowly ran his hands up and down her back, then hesitantly reached down to stroke her legs. She kissed him more urgently when he did that so he figured it was okay, while her hands became helplessly tangled in his hair. He kissed a path down her neck and pulled aside her sweater to reach her collarbone. He was met with a moan and smilied against her skin. After he had finished with her collarbone they returned to full blast making out, going slower and then more heated. Just as Michelle's hands were creeping under his shirt and up his beautifully toned chest the Peter's phone rang. They broke apart momentarily and both glanced at it. Then made eye contact. 

"Oh just ignore it," Michelle said, nipping his ear with her teeth and moving her hands lower on his body, "It's probably no one important."

Peter found her demand hard to ignore. Every fiber in his body wanted to ignore that call and continue with MJ, but his brain told him not to. The only people who called him were Ned, May, and MJ. Michelle was with him and both Ned and May knew he was on a date at the moment. Knowing he would regret it Peter gently picked Michelle up off him and set her back down shrieking in protest. He then grabbed the phone and pressed the green button without checking the caller ID. 

"Hey kid, how's it going?" 

The voice of Tony Stark filled his ear and he mentally groaned. Tony could go on for awhile and Peter was really not in the mood to be interrupted. 

"What do you want?" He snapped. MJ looked pretty mad. 

"Now, now, now young man. Don't get an attitude with me. I know you probably have a mountain of homework to do but-"

"Mr. Stark it's really not a good time," he said, glancing at MJ, "I was kinda in the middle of something."

"Oh" the sarcasm in his voice was obvious, "And what, pray tell, could be more important than me? Hmm? Peter?"

Peter debated whether to tell him or not but before he could decide MJ snatched the phone from his hands and began to talk despite Peters many protests. 

"Look here Stark. Peter is busy right now with me, His GIRLFRIEND. So I suggest that you suck it up and wait until tomorrow to talk to him, because some things are more important than you. Good day sir."

With that she hung up the phone and turned to Peter, "Now where were we?"

She silenced the phone and they both laughed as it got thrown away to some distant corner, both of them forgetting about it for the rest of the night. 


Thanks for reading! I dont own a thing!

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