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Peter came to the tower on a bright Thursday after school. He entered the lab after being waved in by Tony and got to work right away on his Chemistry homework. Tony had made it a rule that Peter had to complete his homework before working on anything in the lab after he heard about Peter's slipping grades due to going out as Spiderman every night and skipping homework.

So they worked in silence for a bit. Peter on Chemistry and Tony on some new kind of bulletproof vests for police officers. It was a comfortable silence. There had almost never been an awkward silence between Tony and Peter for as long as they had known each other. A few times Peter opened his mouth and set down his pencil as if to say something, but then after a second he would pick it back up and start working again. Tony thought that a bit odd but said nothing about it. If Peter wanted to tell him something he would in his own time. But after the fourth time, Tony set down his project and walked over to where Peter was working. He slowly closed Peter's workbook and took the pencil from him.

"Ok kid, tell me what's going on."

Peter shook his head and played with his hands, "It's nothing, Mr. Stark, honestly. Nothing to bother you with."

Tony sighed. The kid was good at covering up his emotions, but not that good.

"Peter," - he looked up when he called him by his name. Tony only ever did that when it was serious, "Just tell me what's going on. I can help, I promise."

Peter took a deep breath, " a girl."

Tony nearly burst out laughing. The thing that Peter was stressing about was liking a girl. Of all the things in the world. And the way he said it was like it was a crime in some sort.

"And how is that a problem essentially?" Tony questioned because he honestly did not understand.

"She's very...different than Liz."

Tony sighed inwardly. He had heard the story about Liz from Peter after he had given the kid back his suit. How he had had to ditch her at homecoming so he could bust her dad at being a weapons dealer and trying to hijack a plane.

Tough first girlfriend. And that came from someone who was engaged to Pepper.

"How different?"

Peter thought about that for a bit, "She's very opinionated and smart. Not that Liz wasn't smart, but she wasn't that smart. She likes to go to detention and draw 'people in distress' as she calls it. And she idolizes Miss Potts."

"Well first things first," he told Peter, "You have to ask her out at least. But do it very small and don't use a lot of big words, and don't compliment her at all. If she's anything like Pepper she'll hate you calling her pretty before a few dates."

Peter nodded, the excitement in his eyes obvious, "Ok, thanks, Mr. Stark. I would never have felt comfortable talking to May about this."

Peter scooped up his homework and bounced out the door quickly, even for an enhanced person. Tony chuckled to himself and shook his head. He had sworn a long time ago that he would never have kids in fear of becoming like his own father. But in had come Peter. So innocent and sweet and son like to Tony. He had no idea what he would ever do without that kid.


Peter walked through the halls of school, making his way to one very specific locker in the sea of people. A certain head of brown hair was buried in a book like always and didn't look up until Peter cleared his throat. She smiled at him.

"Hey Parker, what's up?"

Peter took a deep breath, "Well there was actually something that I wanted to ask you."

"Shoot," she said, packing her backpack absentmindedly.

"Would you like to go out with me?" It came out in a rush and Michelle just stared at him.

"What did you just say?"

"I just wanted to know if you would like to go out with me." Michelle stared some more, "You don't have to, I completely understand if you don't want to I jus-"

At that precise moment she kissed him. It took Peter a second to respond, but he did, and it was one of the most amazing things in the world. They broke apart and Michelle went back to packing her backpack as nothing had happened. Peter just stood there stunned.

"Is that a yes?" he managed to squeak out.

She laughed, "Of course that's a yes loser, so, where we going?"

And that is how Peter Parker managed to walk out of his high school hand in hand with Michelle fucking Jones. 

Both of them smiling from ear to ear.


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