A Life of Numbers

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Major Endgame Spoilers, if you haven't seen the movie then you should NOT read this chapter. If you want your life to be ruined by the movie being spoiled then by all means, read this chapter. 

You have been warned.


Peter Parker had seen many things in his lifetime. 

When he was 14 he became Spiderman. 6 months later a man by the name of Tony Stark had shown up in his apartment and taken him to Germany, where he fought many superheroes. Including Captain America (he'd always been a bit proud of that). 

At age 15 he got his first "girlfriend". Her dad turned out to be a sycophantic arms dealer and Peter taking him down had caused her to move away. He also held a ferry together with his very own hands and had his mentor Tony Stark tell him that he was disappointed in him. Then he'd had his Spiderman suit taken away by said mentor only to have it given back after a few days. 

When he was 16 he went on a field trip when aliens once again arrived in New York. He helped of course, got a new suit along the way, and then snuck on board a spaceship. He fought off a mad alien who wanted to kill half of the universe and failed. He watched his mentor, ok his father, have a very close brush with death. 

Then something weird happened. 

He felt himself breaking up and passing out, then he woke up to see Tony was gone and suddenly he was fighting Thanos again (the crazy alien murderer). And then Tony hugged him. 

There had been a day, a day that seemed like a lifetime ago, that Tony Stark had dropped off Peter at his apartment. Peter had mistook his mentor opening the door for him as a hug, and had never felt more embarrassed in his life. Tony had told him We're not there yet. 

Peter was glad that they finally were there. 

But all good things ended eventually. 

So at age 16 (although technically he was 21 with the time spent dusted), he sat helpless as he watched his mentor, hero, and father, die. 

It wasn't the first time he had lost  a father. His real father had died when Peter was young, and he didn't remember him at all so he wasn't that sad even though he knew it was abortive thing to say. And Uncle Ben had died in his arms at the hand of a mugger. He would never forget the way the Crimson blood had stained his hands that day, and they were still stained to this day in his dreams at least. 

So when Tony's time came, Peter was a pro at loss.

He begged him not to, but Tony had just looked at him with so much in his stare. So much pride, love, and happiness that Peter didn't have to regret never telling him the truth. Because Tony already knew. 

The funeral had been... fitting. It wasn't over the top or to sad. Peter fought to keep it together through the whole thing, and even with May's hand on his shoulder he wanted to drown himself in that lake to be with Tony. After the initial funeral part was over he had stepped off to the side and taken a moment to fully  understand what was happening. Pepper had come up to him then. 

"I have something for you." She said, and handed Peter a white envelope with his name written on the outside. He looked at her blankly. 

"He had originally left you almost everything, but changed it after Morgan. You still have considerable stock in the business if it ever gets back up and running again but you will have to answer to Morgan," she smiled a sad smile, "The check is all yours though, and you can spend it how you wish though I must advise against using it all on Lego sets." 

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