I Know

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Infinity War and potential Endgame spoilers. Tony is back on Earth after escaping Titan and is going to see if May is still alive.


Tony had worn a suit.

Pepper had advised against it, had objected to him going at all, but he had to go. They had all adored Peter and his family deserved to know what had happened to him. May had probably assumed the worse by then, but he needed to be sure. 

He had walked and there was barely anyone on the streets. The abandoned cars from when people had panicked from first seeing half the population disappear still haunted him as he made his way. The few who did pass him didn't even look at him, and for that he was grateful. Tony had just turned onto a street about three blocks away from Peter's old apartment when he saw the most peculiar thing.

There was what looked almost like a girl trying to juggle open a door to an abandoned cafe. Her hair was quite frizzy and she turned a bit to wipe sweat from her forehead and he startled at her face. It was Michelle, one of the two friends that Peter had. Had had, Tony corrected himself, he no longer was alive to have friends. 

"Michelle Jones?" He called out hesitantly, and she wiped around, a kite in her hand.


She said it with distgust and formality. She had made it clear when meeting him that she didn't approve of him encouraging Peter to be Spiderman. In fact she had made it VERY clear that she wouldn't have bothered coming to meet him if Peter hadn't insisted and she hadn't cared for Peter as much as she did. Then she refused to shake his hand and asked to see any expensive art he had and to meet Pepper. Tony had teased Peter to no end on how they seemed to have the same taste in woman, and Pepper had given her stamp of approval with a smile.

He approached her slowly and she resumed jiggling the lock. She seemed to be using opening the door as an excuse not to look at him. He put a hand over the Bobby pins she was using and her hands stilled. She still wouldn't look at him though.

"Where's May?" He asked her.

 She did t hesitate, "Gone."

He nodded, "Do I want to know why you're trying to break into a cafe?"

"Supermarkets have been basically cleared out, there might be some baked goods or something left over that's not expired yet."

"Where you staying?" He asked, hoping she at least wasn't alone, "You staying with someone?"

She shook her head, "They cancelled school indefinitely when people started dissapearing, I came right to Peter's even though I knew he was on that doughnut thing with you. May was gone and so is mom. I stopped living at my old place when this group of guys took up the floor, I left during the night and been staying at Peter's ever since." She shrugged when she was done with this analogy, as if to disregard what she'd gone through when half the universe had dissapeared. 

"Michelle, I didn't want to have to tell you-all" he began.

She cut him off with a dry laugh, "If you're going to tell me that he's dead, I kinda worked that one out for myself thanks."

"I'm sorry, it's my fault, I failed." He expected her to agree with him, but she just shook her head.

"I know it wasn't your fault Tony, so stop all that bullshit and do everything you can to bring him back, I need him back, need all of them back."

Tony opened his mouth to argue but thought better of it seeing as she was so much like Pepper, and instead patted her shoulder.


In case you're wondering, the Avengers got them all back, and when Tony gave his life to defeat Thanks, his last thoughts were of how happy Michelle and Peter would be together, and he died with a smile on his face.

Peter and Michelle were very happy and named their first child Tony Benjamin Parker, and Tony Starks grave was never without flowers for as long as Peter lived.

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