The Reason Why Tony Stark Will Never Buy Takeout Again

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Machines beeped in the pristine room. A boy with a mess of curly brown hair lay in a medical bed, several machines and an IV hooked up to him. A man with darker brown hair sat in an uncomfortable hospital chair by his bedside, holding the boys hand.

Outside of the room a doctor was talking to a stressed and worried woman. She was listening intently, using all of her will power to not burst into tears.

------Fourteen hours Earlier------

"Hey Mr. Stark!"

Tony smiled as his - no- the kid came bounding into the main living room/kitchen area of the compound. It was Friday night, and Peter would be spending the night at the compound with Tony. He was pumped.

"Hey kid," he said as Peter plopped down next to him, "How was school?"

"Fine," Peter puffed, already reaching for one of the fast food containers Tony had made sure to get before Peter had come over. That kid was always hungry.

In a second he was chattering about his friend Ned and the upcoming science fair while consistently eating. Tony didn't touch the food, he was just content to listen to Peter rambling about his day.

Peter was in the middle of telling Tony about some snarky reply MJ had given a teacher when he stopped altogether and was perfectly still.

"Kid?" Tony asked concerned.

Peter grabbed at his throat as his lips started to turn blue and promptly fell over, Tony shouting for FRIDAY to call Bruce.


There was blood streaming from Peter's nose, eyes, and he was also throwing it up by the time Tony and Bruce got him to the medbay.


Tony forgot about contacting May until two or three hours into the ordeal. And by that time Peter was already hooked up to those goddamn machines and all the doctors were furiously working to identify the poison coursing through his veins along with a cure.


It was three more hours before Tony realized the poison in the fast food he had bought for Peter had been meant for him.


Tony had been by Peter's side for nearly twelve hours.

Happy had come and tried to get him to eat something, and Rhodey had done his best to try and get him to go to sleep in somewhere else besides the horribly uncomfortable plastic chair he had been residing in for half a day.

It was fair to say they neither of them succeeded.

Tony carefully took Peter's hand in his and threaded their fingers together. He rested his forehead against their intertwined hands and did something he hadn't done for awhile.

He prayed.

The last time Tony had prayed had been a few nights before the car crash that had killed his parents. His mother used to pray with him before bed nearly every night, less often as he got older but every once in a while she would join him in his room and pray out loud for the both of them.

And now Tony prayed to a god he didn't believe in for his son.

His son.

Tony was shocked that he had been able to admit it to himself, (even if it had only been in his thoughts). He had been seeing Peter as a son for a while. The small waves of pride he got whenever the kid solved a problem in the lab or when he got a perfect score on his Spanish quiz.

It made sense.

The kid had Tony's brain, self preservation skills, and kind of the same parental situation. But he was everything Tony wasn't at the same time.

He was bubbly, full of Hope for the future. Kind, considerate, and helpful. He helped old ladies cross the street and gave people directions. Along with saving many lives on a daily basis.

So Tony prayed for him to wake up with more drive and will than he had ever done anything in his life.

He hoped it would be enough.


"How sure are you?"

Bruce sighed, "About 83%."

"And you're sure this is a new type of poison?" May asked, "You've researched and looked for a cure-"

"Look," Bruce told them, "The longer we wait the greater chance there is that he dies, okay? We need to give his this before it's too late."

May thought for a bit, both Tony and Bruce watching her anxiously. "Okay," she finally said, "Do it."


Bruce slowly inserted the needle into Peter's arm and pressed the plunger down. The people gathered around the sleeping boy waited anxiously for a minute it two. Just when Tony was ready to burst into tears, Peter opened his eyes.


Wow. That really got away from me in many ways but I hope you enjoyed it!

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