When he sees a tampon @~@ (or when he finds out what a period is)

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  • Dedicated to ALL MY LOVELY READERS!!! TY 4 20k reads!!

I know I said I'd write the new boyfriends, but I WILL include them here. So... You're welcome!



"Hey, Y/N, what's this thing? I found it in the trash." Jeff said, holding up the outer part of a tampon. You blushed. "That's part of a tampon, Jeff." You explained. "What the hell is a tampon?" Jeff asked. You blushed more. "It's something women use..." "So it's like a dick substitute?" "NO!!" You then explained how it's used, and what it's for. "Oh... I get it..." Jeff said. You still doubted he really did.


You and BEN were out shopping one day, when BEN walked down the feminine hygiene aisle. "Whoa what are all these things?" He asked picking up both a box of tampons and a box of pads. You turned a bright shade of red. "BEN DONT TOUCH THOSE!!" You ordered. "Why?" BEN asked, opening the tampon box. "Whoa, cool!" He then got the tampon out of the outer part. "What the hell is this used for?" He asked, examining it. "It's something you don't need, so put them back!!" You demanded. "But what is it used for?" "Girls get a thing called a period, and they use it for that." You explained trying not to be graphic. "Well.... What's a period?" BEN asked. You explained what it does and all that junk. "Well then..." BEN said, putting the boxes back. "I don't want to touch one of those again..."


"What. The. Fuck." This was Masky's reaction on hearing what exactly a period was. "Doesn't having blood drip out of you hurt?" "It hurts like hell." "So what do you do to stop it? I don't see girls walking around with blood dripping from them." Masky asked. You blushed. "They use a tampon...." You explained. "And that is...?" You blushed redder and told him how to use a tampon. Later that night, you saw Masky looking at a tampon."Masky, what are you doing?" You demanded. "I wanted to know what one looks like, and can I stick it up my ass?" He responded. You facepalmed. "No, you can't."


You were folding laundry when hoodie walked by with his hood down... And a tampon up both his nostrils. You dropped a pair of socks when you saw him. "Hoodie... Why are tampons up your nose...?" You asked. "I got a nosebleed, so BEN told me to cram these in my nose. Isn't it neat how they invented these just for when you get nosebleeds?" You facepalmed. "Girls need those... Those aren't for when you get a nosebleed..." "Oh... Then what do you need them for?" Hoodie asked. You took them out of his nose and smiled. "All women get this thing called a period. That's all you need to know." You kissed his nose and walked off.


You heard a scream from the other room. Hoodie's screams, to be exact. You knocked on the door. "Hoodie is everything alright? Or did you see a picture of the flesh-eating bacteria again?" You asked. "N-no, Y/N, everything is alright..." Hoodie responded. You opened the door all the way... And saw Hoodie has googled 'period' "Oh Hoodie..."


EJ was studying human anatomy one night. The female reproductive system, to be exact. "Hey Y/N, come here! I have a surprise for you!" He yelled. You rushed into the living room. EJ always had the best surprises. "What's the surprise, EJ?" You asked. He held up a diagram of the female reproductive system. "I know what's going on inside of you..." He chuckled. "Wait... What?" "I know what a period is. You stood there, your mouth hanging open. "Allow me to explain..." EJ then explained what a period was. "Oh my god... YOU ARENT SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT, EJ!!"


You were just in your room, doing whatever, when you heard Toby call your name. You came out of your room, and saw Toby had a cute surprise for you! He had made a family of ghosts! "Awwww! Toby! You're so sweet!" You gushed, hugging him. You picked up the little boy ghost. "Wait... What did you use to make these?" You asked, squinting at the little 'ghost' "I used these!" Toby said, holding up an empty box of tampons. "How many did you use?" Toby thought for a moment. "About eight." "EIGHT?" You shouted. "You're buying me more!" He gave you a confused look. "Why do you need these?" He asked. You then explained about the hell that is a period. "When will I get mine?" Toby asked. You nearly died of laughter.

Dark Link

"Hey babe~" Dark said, kissing you passionately. You pushed him away. "Not now Dark... I'm not in the mood..." You said. "You on your period?" He asked. You glared. "Why does it matter if I'm on my period or not? And why do you care?" Dark chuckled. "Yup, you got blood leaking out of your vagina right now." You then threw the nearest object at him, which was.... A POTATO. Just kidding... It was a Link plushie. (Sorry I had to...) Dark glared at it. "You might not be on your period... But you're not in your right mind because you have this... Thing in your room." Dark said taking the plushie out of the room. The next day, you actually got your period, and found out all of your tampons were missing. Dark told you that he had thrown them all out as punishment for having a Link plushie.

Laughing Jack

"Whoa... What the hell is on your bed, Y/N? Did Jeff murder somebody here?" LJ asked, seeing your bed was covered in blood. "No..." You said awkwardly. "Then who?" You blushed. "Nobody murdered anybody here..." "Y-you aren't cutting again, are you?" LJ asked. "No! no! I just got my period this morning..." You explained. "Period? Like the end of a sentence?" "No... It's more like the beginning of a death sentence." "YOURE DYING?" LJ screamed. "No! It's a metaphor, LJ. It's when... You bleed from a certain part of your body. It hurts like hell, and it lasts like a week." "Oh... What part?" You then blushed a bright red

Lost Silver

"Y/N? What's that on your shorts?" Silver asked as you stood up. You squirmed around trying to see your butt. When you finally were able to twist enough to see your ass, you saw a blood stain. "Oh... It's just a stain. I'll be back in a minute." You said rushing to the bathroom. [Insert scene where you put a tampon in here cause here's no way I'll describe that] When you came back, Silver just HAD to ask that question. "You were in there a long time, Y/N. What were you doing?" Silver asked blushing. "Oh... I um... I was..." You stuttered. "It had something to do with that stain, didn't it?" He asked. "... Yes." "So what exactly was that stain?" You blushed red. "Ask Red..."


Silver was talking on the phone with Red in the other room. You weren't the kitchen making dinner, when you heard screams. "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TELL ME THAT, RED?" Silver screamed and cried at the same time. You rushed into the other room. "Silver, what's wrong?" You asked. "R-Red told m-me what w-was on your s-shorts." He cried. "Aww.... Silver, c'mere. You said wrapping your arms around him.


Red was doing laundry. You were taking a nap in your room, when you heard a high~pitched scream. You rushed into the laundry room, and saw Red holding a pair of bloody panties. "Y-Y/N... A-are you dying?" He asked. "No...No... Red I'm perfectly okay..." "Then why is there blood on your panties?" "Ask someone else... You said walking away." Later that day, Red was very, very pale and his phone was cracked. "Red, what's the matter?" You asked placing a hand on his shoulder. "B-BEN told me why you had blood all over your panties." Red stuttered. You facepalmed. "BEN!!"

Homicidal Liu/Sully (Sully will be in parentheses)

"Y/N!! (C'MERE!!!)" Liu and Sully yelled. You went into their room to see... Tampons!! How exciting!! *obvious sarcasm* "... Why the fuck are these here?" You asked. "(I thought you might need these... Heheheheheheh) Yeah..." Your face was bright red. "No... I don't need these... You shouldn't even know what these are..." You said. "We should know everything about you...(and we mean everything)" Liu/Sully said as they grinned pervertedly

"EW GROSS!!" You screamed as you punched their arm.



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