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So I was originally going to do 'when he cheats' but a Halloween scenario seems appropriate.

Soo... When he cheats is next...

Also, what were you guys for Halloween? I ended up being Link. (Shut up, my hair was blonde at the time) And one of my dogs was Navi and The other was Ganondorf. And I talked my little cousin into being Zelda ^_^ it was fucking adorable.



He insisted that you would be something scary, when you wanted to be the Cheshire Cat. Jeff handed you a zombie costume. "Here, this is your costume. Wear it." He demanded. "Fine..." You said reluctantly as you took the costume into your room. You looked at it, and you scowled. "Zombie Princess? What am I, ten?" You were just disgusted. Jeff knocked on the door. "You don't really have to wear it. I just wanted to prank you." He said while giggling uncontrollably. "So I can be the Cheshire Cat?" "Yes you can. I'm actually going to be the mad hatter..." "Awwww.... How cute Jeff..."


You, going as Zelda? Hell no. BEN didn't want you to go as her. You ended up being a Charmander. "Awwww.... Babe, that's soooo cute!!!" BEN cooed "No it's not...." You were very embarrassed. "There's something missing..." BEN said while stroking an invisible beard. "Oh lord..." "It lacks reality..." "Reality?" You asked. "Yes reality. The tail needs to be actually burning." "WHAT THE HELL?!?" You screamed as you ran away. "Yess.... That would be Very authentic!!" BEN yelled as he chased you with a lighter in his hands. Long story short... You guys didn't get candy. Your costume had to be replaced because of large burns.


"Heheh... This is awesome!!" You said while smirking at your orange hood and black mask in the mirror. "Masky will definitely believe that I'm Hoodie." Yup, that's right, you were dressed as Hoodie. You left the room, and saw Masky at the table... Talking to Hoodie. Your plan had totally backfired. Both of them just looked at you like you were sane. (See what I did there :3) "Uhhh... Hoodie? How are you over there and over here at the same time.?" Masky asked, obviously confused. "Ummm... I guess I'm magic?" Hoodie said, confused as well. You burst out laughing. "Oh my god... I'm not Hoodie! I'm Y/N!!!" You giggled as you took your hood down. Masky facepalmed. "I'm an idiot." You giggled. "You may be an idiot, but your my idiot." You said as you kissed his cheek.


"I didn't know Hoodie could be such a pervert sometimes..." You sighed as you looked in the mirror. You were dressed as a sexy maid, complete with a plate of cheesecake. The skirt barely covered your butt, the shirt was really low cut and over half your boobs were showing. You slowly walked out, trying not to fall because of your heels. "Hoodie... I can't do this." Hoodie blushed. "You don't have to I guess... I'll just take a picture or two..." He sighed and got his phone out. "Hoodie no!!" You yelled. But it was too late. Hoodie had already taken a picture. "You win this time..." You sighed.


"Oh EJ..." You sighed. "You can't go as a kidney." "But I'm not a kidney!! I'm Kidney Man!!!" EJ exclaimed while striking a heroic pose. "But still... Some weird mothers will wonder what the hell you are...." "Oh shit I guess.... But what else could I be?" You thought for a moment. "Maybe you could just go as yourself." "But baby.... That's boring." EJ whined. "But you're scary enough to go as yourself!!" You said, trying to persuade him. "Okay... Fine. Anything for you.." He said as he kissed your forehead.


Your eyes widened with horror as Toby stepped out of the bathroom in his costume. He was...............Justin Bieber. "NOOOOOOOOOO...." You screamed. "But this is a hilarious costume!!!" Toby said. "But... People might think I was the one who talked you into wearing this costume..." "That's the point. To embarrass you." He chuckled. You rolled your eyes as you went into your room to get your costume on. You sighed as you saw what you were going to wear layer so neatly on your bed. "It'll have to wait another year..." You sighed as you got out a fancier dress and a dark brown wig (or if your hair is already dark brown no wig) and heels to go with it. You looked exactly like Selena Gomez. As you stepped out if your room, Toby immediately started laughing. "That's... That's the perfect costume." He said between laughs. "Now c'mon, let's go get some candy." (Just so you know I despise both of those people, don't get any wrong ideas that I like Justin bieber... *shudders at the thought*)


"OH GOD NO... MY EYES ARE BURNING...." Dark screamed when he saw your costume. "What? It's a great costume!" You argued. "BUT YOURE LINK. LINK. LLLLLLIIIIIIINNNNNKKKKK!!!!!!!" Darkness whined like a little kid. "Oh dark..." You sighed and giggled at the same time. "I can't say no to you. What do you want me to be?" "Hmmmmm...." Dark thought for a long time. "You're going to be Epona." You just glared at him. "Are you fucking kidding me?" "No. But maybe..." This went on for a while. In the end, clothes and makeup littered the floor and not a single candy wrapper was to be seen.

Laughing Jack

You guys didn't even bother dressing up. Jack for obvious reasons. And you because you were too lazy. Instead of dressing up and sweetly asking for candy, you guys showed up at people's doors and threatened them for it. In the end, everyone was scared and you guys had a fuckton of candy.


You guys ended up trick-or-treating in the Pokemon world. You were dressed up as Misty (My favorite! ( ^ω^ )) and Silver was himself. When he saw your costume, his jaw dropped."Y-Y/N... You're beautiful..." He said in awe. He "hugged" you as good as he could and kissed your cheek gently. "Thank you, Silver." "No problem, Y/N." Silver stared at you and smiled for awhile. "You know what, I just want to stay here so I can see you. I'll buy you a bag of candy tomorrow." Silver said. You smiled. "Anything for you..." You had to admit, you were disappointed that you didn't get to go out, but cuddling with silver made it all worth it.


"Awww... Y/N, you're adorable!!" You were dressed up in a (non slutty) pikachu costume that consisted of pikachu makeup, a pikachu hoodie and yellow leggings and converse. Red hugged you. "C'mon, let's go catch 'em all!!" Red cheered. "Catch 'em all?" You were confused. You thought you were going to get candy, not catch pokemon. "Yeah, you know... Catch all the candy!!" Red explained. You burst out laughing. "Red... You couldn't have worded that cuter." Red rolled his eyes. "Let's go get candy..."


"Y/N!!! (We're Home!!)" Liu/Sully yelled. You rushed into the kitchen, to see them with several bags of food. "Thank god we'll have food again..." You said opening up one bag. It was all candy. You opened up another. It was all candy too! "Did you guys only buy candy?" You asked. They nodded. "Why?" You were dumbfounded. "So we wouldn't have to go out. (It was going to be fucking freezing tonight)" You sighed. "Okay... But we will hand this out." Neither of them looked to happy about that. "But we get to keep 2 bags." They pouted. You giggled. "Okay...." They did a victory dance and ripped open the bag of suckers.

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