Bonus Chapter

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Emily's POV

Children laughing rang through the halls, effectively waking me up. I rose my head from Will's chest, yawning slightly.

"Auntie!" A little girl yelled, bouncing next to me on the bed. I smiled, lifting myself to sit up as Will groaned in annoyance and fatigue.

"Hey, Paige. Where's your mommy?" She giggled, touching my hair while she laughed.

"I don't know. Mummy said she's gone with Daddy and that she'll be back soon" I nodded, bringing her to the side so I could get up. She ran out of the room, blonde curls running down her back. Will whined from next to me, protesting when I left the bed.

His face was buried in the pillows, eyes still closed.

"Come back to bed, Em. It's too early" I laughed, looking at the clock.

"It's 10 o clock. It's not early" he still wrapped a hand loosely around me, pulling me back to the warmth of the bed.

The sun was streaming through the windows around the room. Seven years I've been here, yet I still can't get used to the grandness of the castle.

"Yes it is. Henry and Ella are out, so we have the castle to ourselves" he said happily, pulling me down to sit back on the bed. I squealed, laughing when I hit the mattress.

He laughed lightly, pulling me gently to him. We smiled happily at each other, enjoying the quiet that will surely be interrupted by one of our children or Ella's.

We put our foreheads together, smiling at each other. We stayed quiet while we just happily enjoyed each others presence.

He nuzzled his nose against mine, causing me to giggle. We were happy, staring into each others eyes.

He leaned in and pressed his lips gently on mine. I moved to get at a better angle, smiling into the kiss.

We pulled away after a second, keen on making the most of our time alone. I ran my hand through his hair, admiring my husband.

The door swung open again, revealing a raven haired girl. Our daughter, Agnes. Agnes is only 7, but she's even more beautiful than Ella.

She smiled and ran up to me as I stepped out of the bed. I picked her up with a heave, sitting her on my lap.

Yes, I do think I made the right choice in marrying Will. Ana and Andrew had gotten married, both have 4 children.

I put a hand on my baby bump, smiling at the thought of my second child. Will came behind me and hugged Agnes, lifting her from me. He grinned at her and started tickling her, making her giggle and squeal.

"Now, my dearest Agnes" he lifted her from his hip and onto the floor. "What do you think mommy's going to have? A girl or a boy?" Agnes giggled, reaching her hand up to pat my swelling tummy.

"I think it'll be a girl" I smiled at the gesture, bending down to be eye level.

"And what do want her to be called?" She looked at me, wide and piercing blue eyes curious. She looked the spitting image of her father.

"Um... well... what about Alexia?" I smiled, liking the name. I looked up at Will, who nodded approvingly.

"And if it's a boy?"

"Umm... James?" I nodded, lifting her to sit on the bed.

"Good. Because mommy's having a girl and a boy" she squealed, jumping at me. I wrapped my arms around her and intertwined my hand with Will's, ready for the life ahead.

Bonus chapter!! With the amount of quick responses I got, I decided to make a very short little peek of what might happen in the future for them. Hope you liked it!

For the last time,


-E xx

Emily ◇ Cinderella Where stories live. Discover now