Jotaro Kujo: Vacation

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The fight with Dio was won about 9 months ago. Friends had fallen but we made it through and took a very much needed vacation. Joseph had us in the Bahamas booked for a week to relax. There was a mishap with the rooms which we didn't care, Jotuaro and I are sharing a room which we did often on the road anyway. "Oh, my gawd I can't believe how hot it is here," I say peeling off my shirt covered in sweat. My bikini top remained while I sat in front of a fan in short shorts.

"I'm going to the beach wanna come?" Jojo asked and I hopped up and grabbed my beach bag. I thought it was a bit weird how he constantly wore his sunglasses lately. I sat by the water to cool me but let the sun kiss my skin.

"This is perfect I feel great," I say sipping a mixed drink.

Jotaro stood up and removed his tank top throwing it in my bag he walking toward the water only pausing looking back at me as if to say 'comin'?' I stood and followed into the crystal clear water.

Wow, this place is just beautiful. "It's so nice here I want to say. Do you think if I begged the old man he will let me stay?" I joke, we were up to our stomachs and I lied back floating on top of the water. " You're a man a few words but recently its been fewer than normal is everything ok? I mean as ok as it can be after... Yknow.." I say and place my hand on his jaw giving a sweet smile.

He smirked and grabbed me before I could do anything he chucked me into the water. I resurface and see Joseph was ready to join us.

Later that night Jotaro seemed to lighten up a lot and had a couple drinks with me on the balcony. "Even in the night this place is quite warm," I say once again throwing my shirt to the side.

"It's beautiful, to look out on the ocean if you didn't know any better than you would think it goes on forever," he says with a half smile looking out onto the ocean. The full moons light shimmering on the water was very beautiful like a painting it was unreal. I notice Jotaro looking at me out of the corner of my eye. I look over making eye contact his eyes were saddened I could see it he stand upright facing me.

I wrap my arms around his neck bringing him more toward my height which wasn't much shorter than him. His arms wrap around my waist bringing me in tightly. I could feel his tears on my neck. "Hey, its ok" I whisper and run my fingers through his hair.

" I can't sleep I haven't been able to... It's all haunting me" he says and squeezes me harder. "Thank god you and the old man got better, I don't know what I'd do," he says and the tears flow faster I feel like he is going to snap me in half.

I pulled him to the bed "you need to sleep ok?" I say and his eyes look at me so pained, I was the first the be almost killed so I didn't witness anything that happened but Jotaro saw it all till the end, poor thing. "PTSD is a rough thing JoJo just know we are all here for you ok?" I say and climb next to him I pull him to me and he takes this as a cuddle invitation. Before I know what's going on his arms are around the lower part of my back his head pressed to my chest and our legs are intertwined. I run my fingers through his hair and hum softly.

"Do you miss him?" He asks and gives a shaky breath.

"I miss all of them," I say trying to keep a strong front for him.

"You had a thing for Kakyoin didn't you?" He asks me and I blush.

"Not exactly," I say to avoid this. "The guy I had a hard crush on isn't one for that sort of thing," I say trying Not to give away that it's him.

"Sounds like an asshole" he jokes runs his fingers down my exposed back giving me chills.

"He is a sweetheart when no one is watching," I say with a smile creeping on my lips thinking about the moment I'm currently having.

"I wonder how he would feel about this," he says and I look down at him and his lips softly connect with mine I sank into the kiss and tug on his hair.

He breaks away and looks into each other's eyes "I don't know only you would"I say now thinking its safe to reveal my feelings. His face softens for once and he kisses my cheek before climbing on top of me. He lays himself between my legs with his head now resting on my stomach but his arms stay wrapped around me.

I run my fingers through his head till I hear steady deep breaths and quiet snores.
I couldn't ask for a moment as special as this. I look out onto the balcony there stood Kakyoin and Avdol holding Iggy. They wave and Kakyoin winks while blowing me a kiss giving the thumbs up.

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