Part 9

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My heart has some unspoken feelings and some words,
Which needs to be heard,
But gone is the time when we were love birds,
My feelings for you are now a blur.
I still have our initials as tattoo on my hand,
To remove it completely I have no magic wand.
Everyday on it I apply the concealer,
But to hide the pain in my eyes I never got a healer.
I have seen the true colours of love,
Or more precisely your love.
Every white has some black spots,
But beware more of those greys,
Cause they are black inside,
Holding a translucent white outside.
To me now love at first sight,
Is like a new moon night.
We were strangers,
And now again we are.
When I was with you I had a sparkle in my eyes,
Now too I have the sparkle in my eyes,
That time those were feelings,
And my happiness,
Today those are my unshed tears,
Now everyday,
I smile, a smile of tears,
Assuring myself all this I can bear......

To be continued......

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Word count-:177

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