Prologue: A Vault Of Hope

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There it sat, on top of a mound of weapons, each one poking its handle out in an attempt to get its owner nearer to the priceless treasure than the last failed man. In between the weapons was a mix of gold and gems, though they were never touched, only trodden upon in an attempt to reach the grandest jewel of them all at the very top; a crimson dragon egg, webbed with golden lines all across the surface, reflecting the little moonlight that found its way into the vault around the room, making it seem much brighter.

There was one way to get into the room, and that was through the double metal doors that were large enough for the even the largest of dragons to walk through with ease. But often enough, the men who came in, never came out, and that was why there was a mount of human bones at the base of the treasure mound. As for how they died; no one knew.

The room was in complete silence, as if to keep the little dragon inside the egg in its slumber. But then it was disturbed.

The metal doors suddenly stung open, releasing a loud bang throughout the room. Through the doors strode in a dozen or so men, all dressed in crimson cloaks and carrying golden staffs. The man at the head stopped as the others kept walking.

"You know what to do." He said, watching the others walk on, their feet barely visible under the cloak. Then he felt something, as if an entity had entered the room. Moments later, a white cocoon appeared around the egg. And then a bright flash exploded around the room, and the egg was gone.

"No!" Swore the leader as the others looked to him.


Near Teirm, sat a group of wooden wagons, all around a large campfire. Sat by the campfire was Heather Hargreave, with her hair out, the blonde strip standing out with ease against her brown hair. Her emerald eyes shone with the light of the fire as she looked down at the flames, feeling a page of parchment between her fingers. She glanced at the forest behind her aunt and uncle's wagon, hearing a bird flap as a wolf howled in the distance.

She let out a tired sigh before a flash of light  came from the forest. She got to her feet quickly, dropping her book on the ground. She grabbed her uncle's bow and edged towards the edge of the forest. She stared into the forest, tense as she tried to figure out what could have caused the burst of light, so tense that when her aunt opened the door of the wagon she almost jumped out of her skin.

"Heather," she whispered. "Come on in before the cold creeps in."

Heather looked out at the forest.

"Alright," she said, burying her curiosity, for now. She picked up her book from the dirt and brought it and the bow inside.

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